HOOSER: Why citizens sue government

I was actually in the room when it happened, and could not believe what I was witnessing. In fact, I said that out loud at the Board of Land and Natural Resources (BLNR) hearing held on Oct. 28. There was a moment when I attempted to interject, saying, “I can’t believe members of the board are going to vote to renew permits allowing the use of public lands to an entity that did not exist.”

HOOSER: Swearing an oath is not enough

Soon, our elected leaders will be raising their right hands to swear an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution, State Constitution and County Charter.

VOICES: Tired of one-sided religious dogma

I thank and agree with Bruce Fehring of Kilauea, who wrote objecting to the numerous articles by Kathryn Jean Lopez, and the lack of equal space given to opposing views.