Mahalo to the BLNR and The Garden Island
Friday, Dec. 14, 2018, was a historic day for Kauai. As reported by TGI on Dec. 15, the Board of Land and Natural Resources approved renewal of Kauai Island Utility Cooperative’s revocable permit (RP) to divert water from Wai‘ale‘ale and Waikoko streams.
New research: Link between Agent Orange, hypertension
New research conducted by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine has concluded that “sufficient evidence” exists linking hypertension and related illnesses in veterans to Agent Orange and other defoliants used in Vietnam, Thailand and South Korea in the 1960s and 1970s.
How to lower your surgery costs
Imagine going to the grocery store, picking up the items you need for the week, but not knowing how much anything costs until the store sends you a bill two weeks later.
Legislative primer 2: Universal truths, rules of the game
In order to understand and effectively navigate the legislative process, there are 7 critically important universal truths that must be understood and followed. They may at first seem overly simple and obvious, but they are critically important and impact all decisions.
This holiday season, beware of naughty charities
For many Americans, the end of the year is a great opportunity to donate to charities and use our finances to do a little good in the world. However, a recent report reveals only 19 percent of people highly trust charities. Unfortunately, there’s good reason to justify this.
Amazon holiday hiring may foreshadow future
This holiday season, Santa’s little helpers might come with a battery.
Eastside overdevelopment: Hokua Place
The threat of yet more Kapaa development further diminishes our quality of life.
Legislative session primer – 30 days out
The 2019 legislative session officially opens on Jan. 16, and concludes 60 “session days” later on May 2, “sine die” (traditional term used to adjourn the legislature - Latin for “proceedings that have been adjourned”).
Going (and coming) ‘home for the holidays’
There’s definitely “no place like home for the holidays,” as Barry Manilow’s classic song lyrics say — unless (maybe) you’re visiting on Kauai. This statement of opinion beaming out via today’s Green Flash is one my husband Dee and I feel like underlining after a fortnight away.
Under the guise of civility
As newly elected legislators at all levels begin taking office, it is important to remind everyone that robust debate and holding our politicians accountable is critical to a healthy democracy.
Kauai’s hidden homeless: Hoku Rowland
In our last Homegrown Housing column we talked about Kauai’s homeless problem and introduced some ideas to find solutions. This week we are hearing directly from one of our homeless neighbors.
Co-chairs would serve community, council well
Our new County Council is in the process of selecting a new chair and vice chair for the 2018-20 term. Those who occupy these positions will greatly affect how the council conducts its business over the next two years, and in turn will have a substantial impact on how and what decisions are made about our island. This will have a significant impact on our community.
Join together in celebration of peace
As we come to the end of November, a month during which we honor our veterans and military, two recent pieces in TGI prompted me to respond.
New council off to a head-shaking start
Kauai County may have just had its most important local election in a generation, but who would have thought the new County Council would begin by calling police to remove a public commenter who refused to relinquish his seat until someone told him who called the meeting?
County Council show goes on – a ship tossing in the sea
Unfortunately, if the meeting held by the incoming council is any indication, our newly elected Kauai County Council is starting off on the wrong foot. And/or they are stepping in it, depending on the preferred metaphor.
Don’t begrudge pensions for public employees
I’m not jumping on the bandwagon of dumping on government employees, which notion corporate funded “grassroots” organizations, anti-tax institutes and conservative writers have drummed into our ears. It is an admitted push to “privatize” civic services, so business can grab even a larger portion of our tax dollars.
December BLNR meeting key to Kauai’s water
Hawaii’s Constitution enshrines the people’s common ownership of all the water that flows off the mountains in a public trust doctrine. Potential users that would profit from its use must ask for its use, how much and for what purpose, by applying for a lease.
Numbers tell an accurate election story
Underlying any election results — even those with very small electorates like Kauai’s that exhibit a remarkable indifference to voting — is the question: “What does it all mean?”
State’s unfunded liabilities crisis has a silver lining
Soaring public pension and health benefit costs will be slamming Hawaii’s county governments in coming years, forcing them to consider cutting important government services or increasing taxes — neither of which are attractive options.
Prayers, politics and policy – Thanksgiving thoughts
I think taking one day per year and dedicating it to being thankful is a good idea. Actually, I wake up most mornings just being thankful for being alive, thankful for my good health, for my wonderful family, and for being able to do the work that I do.