Too soon to reopen Kuhio Highway

Dear Senators: My name is Cyndy Johnson and I am a long-time resident of the far North Shore of Kauai. I am writing to you on my behalf as well as others in the community who are copied on this correspondence.

AVR, more people voting will improve island life

One hears often in daily conversations local residents’ discontent with what’s happening in our communities, our island and our state. Their dissatisfaction revolves around the lack of affordable housing and affordable rentals, poor roads and too much tourism.

Seeking solutions to derail homelessness

Dawn Fraser Kawahara, a frequent contributor to the Guest Opinion section of the Garden Island implored readers to brainstorm and submit ideas for creative solutions to homelessness on April 15. I am submitting this piece in response to her request.

Lessons from the ledge: End of session

The 2019 legislative session ends, sine die on May 3, and any bills that have not been passed by both the House and the Senate by this date will be dead (for real this time but not really).

Everyone needs to help care for the aina

The Sunday letter from Dr. Minkus (Forum, April 14, 2019), a frequent visitor to Kauai, was disappointing. He complained about the planned shuttle and fee to reach the Ke’e Beach area. The tone of the letter was one of privilege, “… it belongs to all of us …” the answer to parking there is “… to open more spaces …”

Conference Committee: Where bills are laid to rest quietly

As we enter the last two weeks of the legislative session, it is a good time to explain the basics of the Conference Committee process. Please, stifle the yawn and force yourself if possible to read on. I promise that both, those of you who are intrigued and those who may be baffled by the lawmaking process, will find this fascinating.

Seeking solutions to derail homelessness

Maybe it was the rash of recent news on people becoming homeless, or maybe it was seeing people obviously homeless and camping in their cars or drifting around town that got to me. Maybe it was seeing that worn, young bag lady walking to nowhere special, a droopy bag of belongings tossed over her shoulder.

Hawaii is jonesing for an NFL franchise

Stop the madness. It’s been reported that tickets for the preseason NFL football game between the Los Angeles Rams and Dallas Cowboys at Aloha Stadium on Saturday, Aug. 17, are going for as high as $5,000 a ticket.

A thought for the Sabbath

As a father I have taken my boys on numerous father-and-sons campouts. Those campouts will forever remain as some of the highlights of our lives as we played wickedly awesome capture the flag games, learned of forest life as found in the plants, insects and animals, and talked under the stars about anything and everything until the wee morning hours, not wanting the experience to end.

Road usage charge about the same as gas tax

On Monday, March 18, 2019, The Garden Island published a guest opinion piece titled “Pay per mile proposal doesn’t add up.” The key data point used in this analysis of the Hawaii Road User Charge (HiRUC) concept was incorrect.