Five paths for changemakers

For those committed to making the world a better place and believe that government structures and civic action play a key role — here are 5 ways to make change happen.

Becoming wisely wary

My violin bow coaxes a jaunty, toe-tapping rhythm playing “Ryan’s Rant” as I send love and healing thoughts daily to my 21-year-old grandson Ryan as a musical prayer. Others have been sending prayers for his recovery of health, too — greatly appreciated.

The days of plausible deniability are over

If you are an administrator, public or private, you are liable for the workplace practices that occur under your supervision or authority. Likewise, if you are an employer, public or private, you are responsible for the actions and inactions of your administrators/managers.

Most people guided by moral compass

I deplore the new chant: “Investigate the investigators”. It implies that whenever people find something critical of the president, even if voluminously documented, it could only be because they were politically motivated. In short, they were corrupt.

Celebrating moms, ice cream ‘n summer days

The world turns fast: Here we are, not quite two full weeks into May and we’ve celebrated May Day, Lei Day, the National Day of Prayer and, just yesterday, our moms on the capital “O” Official Mothers Day.

Let all moms know they are loved

I am writing to let the readers on Kauai know that they are incredibly blessed to be on the same island today as my beautiful mother. She is without a doubt the kindest, most thoughtful, considerate, generous lady I have ever known.

Understanding free speech and free press in today’s society

Freedom of speech and freedom of the press are foundational to a free society, but these rights are rarely clear, simple and unconditional. At the intersection of any two or more freedoms or rights, there is often a seeming conflict of important social values requiring careful balancing.

No longer feeling safe in my house of worship

The punishment for mass shooters needs to be extreme and immediate. They need to die by a firing squad. This will be a way to help curtail the number of shootings versus putting the shooter on the front page of Time, Newsweek and every major news outlet. Without all the infamy, they will cease.

Water woes won’t improve on their own

I am writing to bring to your attention the worsening crisis in water quality that we are experiencing in Kauai. A bit of background first. I am a watershed scientist trained at Stanford University, the University of California, Berkeley, and here on Kauai at the National Tropical Botanical Garden.

Time for action to fix traffic woes

It was great to see Councilmember Kuali‘i vote against salary raises for those already making over $100,000 a year (TGI, April 25). But it is disappointing to not see the vote being 7 to 0 against it, though I believe that Councilmembers Kagawa and Brun will also be against it.

Drinking in the tonic of good news

“How do you get ideas for your columns?” Green Flash readers ask from time to time. The reply is that there is never a time when there aren’t several ideas vying for attention, and each one leaps or links to another in a chain of association.