No time for vanity, face masks save lives

The U.S. Federal, State, and/or Local governments should quickly pass laws requiring everyone to wear face masks in all public locations where there is risk of spreading the COVID-19 virus. I suggest these laws be in force immediately for all counties that have community spread of this virus.

Doing church together but apart

For people of faith, one of the more challenging results of the coronavirus has been the closure of all religious gatherings.

Health-care professionals need our help

In one of the most vivid scenes in the HBO miniseries “Chernobyl” (among many vivid scenes), soldiers dressed in leather smocks ran out into radioactive areas to literally shovel radioactive material out of harm’s way.

Covid-19, County leadership and moving forward

Kauai Mayor Derek Kawakami should be commended for his leadership in guiding Kauai County through these past very difficult few weeks. His daily updates have provided a calm, consistent and reassuring message that appropriate measures are being put into place to limit the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Visitors coming now are selfish, inconsiderate

I cannot believe, when I look at my FB feed, that FB friends of mine are still planning on coming to Kaua‘i for vacations, retreats, gatherings, etc. from the mainland in the next couple of months.

Covid-19 and the 48% living on the edge

These are crazy, dangerous times. The fear, tension, and panic of the coronavirus pandemic have clearly taken over all aspects of our daily lives. The entire planet is enveloped in the same hysteria and threatened by the same pathogen which does not discriminate due to nationality, race, color, religion, gender or sexual preference. Arguably it does discriminate by age and by income. Older people die in greater numbers and people who can afford to travel are the primary transmitters.

Now that it’s here, what do we do?

We learned through the governor that coronavirus has come to Kauai. As of Saturday, March 14th, there were two identified cases, and both were visitors. It is one more wakeup call. It is not a time to panic, but it is the time for action by each of us. It is also a time for us to learn from countries and locations that have kept the virus under control.

Slow the spread; stop hugging and shaking hands

All the news has been full of Coronavirus. It feels like it did before Hurricane Iniki with a strange quiet before a storm that might hit us hard. A big question on all of our minds is: how serious will it become for the United States and what can we do about it?

An exercise in civic engagement

Game on. HB2541 HD1 which among other things proposes to increase Hawaiii’s minimum wage to $13, is scheduled for its first hearing in the Hawaii State Senate Committee on Labor, Culture and the Arts, this coming Thursday, March 12 at 3:15pm in room #224 at the Capitol on Oahu.

Seeking community support for Princeville craft fair

I have been organizing a small craft fair with four to five vendors at the Cliffs timeshare in Princeville for almost seven years that has become a very popular gathering place for both visitors and locals as well. We proudly invite in some of the best crafters from around the island, some from as far as the Southside hand-picked from my 30 years of organizing larger fairs here on Kaua‘i.

Innocent until proven guilty

In the hue and cry over Councilman Arthur Brun’s difficulties, there have been voices insisting he be removed from office, even before he is convicted of anything.

On choosing a 7th Councilmember

It’s inevitable that Arthur Brun will either resign or be removed from the Kauai County Council. The public pressure will grow until at some point in the not too distant future, Councilmembers and or the ethics commission will no longer be able to avoid confronting the issue.

Pass a resolution telling Brun to step down

The “Our View” editorial is short-sighted. The thrust of the column is that nothing can be done since no legal provisions exist in the charter to address the Brun calamity that our island is tarred with. “The law is the law.” That is short-sighted. Elected officials do not give up their common sense when they took office. Let me illustrate.

Kudos to Kaua‘i lawmakers for plastics ban

Thanks be to Kaua‘i legislators and the Kaua‘i mayor for their actions to ban polystyrene foam food containers and disposable plastics. These actions will extend the life of our current landfill. Perhaps more importantly, they contribute to a global project to save the humpback whales by discontinuing dumping eight million tons of plastic into our oceans each year. Whales swallow too much plastic, it blocks their digestion, and then they die.