Debunking the House Bill Myths
Why are we repeatedly told that the existing housing policy has “netted zero affordable housing units” since 2008?
Vacation-rental agreement a good thing for island
As spring has turned to summer and fall is now on the horizon, it’s been a difficult number of months for everyone.
Finding the perfect candidate
There are good people and there are good candidates. But the two are not always in alignment, none are without flaws and all have strengths and weaknesses. An individual could be in many ways a wonderful person, but a terrible candidate. The reverse is also of course true.
Finding meaning for Hawai‘i
It has been almost two months since I wrote an op-ed piece titled “Grief for a World Killed by covid” (I still refuse to honor the germ by capitalizing it). Hawai‘i is still shut down to visitors, and the anticipated August opening has been moved back to September due to the spikes on the mainland and limited testing abilities available here.
Handicapping the Kaua‘i council race
Read on for important voting instructions, plus a simple guide to some basic voting strategy when it comes to the Kaua‘i County Council election.
Samaritans, emergency responders helped her
I am a 14-year returning resident to Kaua‘i and 17 years out here in Hawai‘i.
Smoke, gases from neighbor’s smoker sicken him
I’m usually a “live-and-let-live” type of person.
Don’t give in to fear, panic
These are frightening times. In my office, I talk with so many people who are unsettled and increasingly nervous about this virus. Many are confused and wonder how we can best survive this pandemic.
County has options to encourage affordable housing
Making it easier for developers and landowners to make more money by eliminating their requirement to provide affordable housing, is in my opinion bad public policy.
Don’t reopen Kaua‘i yet
Aug. 1, 2020 a date to reopen Kaua‘i or begin practicing safe distancing funeral procession? It has become plainly clear as to how the Corona-19 Virus is spread - uncontrolled human contact. Not wearing masks, not socially distancing, not following the science guided directions.
Ban chlorpyrifos immediately, create buffers
Why are we fighting two wars on Kaua‘i?
Give and take needed on affordable-housing bill
Upon its anticipated passage in the next couple months, Council Bill 2774 will bring forward a much-needed update to our County’s Housing Policy, which has provided very little new workforce housing or affordable housing for those folks who make too much money to qualify for federally-subsidized housing but not enough to afford market-rate housing.
It’s important to learn history
Dr. Thomas Sowell has produced some excellent videos about the history of slavery and racism, available on YouTube. It is heartbreaking to watch, but it is important to learn about our history. It is also appropriate to learn from a brilliant Black scholar like Dr. Sowell.
Gov. Ige should choose the Kauai COVID Committee plan
In response to the front page TGI article “Group wants double testing”, by Allan Parachini on July 2, 2020, we agree with the Kauai COVID Committee of Doctors and community leaders.
Don’t reopen state to westbound visitors August 1
Gov. David Ige is expected to videoconference again with the state’s four mayors today, and a key topic in the discussion, according to sources familiar with the situation, is whether Hawai‘i can safely reopen to tourism on August 1 as previously announced.
Eliminating affordable-housing mandate a bad idea
Councilmember KipuKai Kuali’i and Council Chair Kaneshiro have introduced Bill 2774 that if passed, will effectively eliminate the construction of any future workforce/affordable housing in the town cores of Lihue, Koloa, and Kalaheo.
Proposed changes will result in more affordable housing
The Kaua‘i Housing Agency’s mission to is provide and preserve affordable, quality housing for Kaua‘i’s residents.
Let’s embrace the melting pot
One can believe it comes from our forefathers and is still happening today because of how we were brought up. I was born and raised in Hawai‘i, known as the melting pot of the world.
What a wonderful place is Garden Isle Healthcare
Many of us pass Wilcox Medical Center every day as we drive to and fro on Kaua‘i’s main highway, Kuhio Highway. There, next door, is also the Garden Isle Healthcare & Rehabilitation.
Council takes aim at affordable housing
A little known bill is currently making its way through our County Council: A bill that will exempt developers from the need to build affordable housing for an entire decade: Bill 2774. As we prepare for the upcoming County Council elections, this affordable housing 10 year exemption is being proposed by Council Chair, Arryl Kaneshiro and KipuKai Kuali`i.