Trump supporters not out to ‘goad’ anyone
Hawai‘i as a kipuka: a COVID-free state where we can thrive
Stand up to totalitarian rule
What does Donald Trump’s banner have to do with it?
COVID testing much preferable to quarantine
Give blood, the gift of life
COVID-19: No hoax and not ‘just the flu’
Affordable Housing — Which side are you on?
The PAL Papers: Can Kaua‘i recover from COVID-19? If so, how?
Planning commissioners take their work seriously
The Blank Vote Blues
Non-COVID diseases deserve your attention too
Bill exemptions would harm efforts to provide affordable housing
Coco Palms status hearing ‘ignominious’
The housing ladder and council Bill 2774
HOOSER: Kaua‘i County Council race by the numbers
More perspective on several Kaua‘i projects
In response to Debunking the House Bill Myths By Laurie Quarton — while the author of the Aug. 4, 2020, TGI article ‘Debunking the House Bill Myths’, has identified several projects on Kaua‘i that were constructed over the past few years, the author seems to be misinformed as to how these projects actually came about. While these projects were physically developed after the current housing ordinance (Ord. 860 effective as of December 10, 2007 without the mayor’s signature became Chapter 7A) these projects had nothing to do with meeting requirements imposed by this ordinance.