Hawai‘i as a kipuka: a COVID-free state where we can thrive

The geographical isolation of Hawai‘i and early travel quarantine protected us from the first wave of the pandemic. Yet many continue to push for lifting the quarantine and inviting visitors back in hopes of returning to the pre-COVID tourism economy.

Stand up to totalitarian rule

I have been thinking and praying about the condition this country and the world are in concerning COVID-19. We have been under stress and duress for six months now, and there is no end in sight.

Give blood, the gift of life

Hip, hip, hooray! The Blood Bank is back again! Right. Blood. It should always be available and accessible to those who need it, especially during these hard times with the COVID-19 coronavirus.

Affordable Housing — Which side are you on?

The affordable housing conversation happening now at the County Council is an interesting one. As is the case for most complex “omnibus” type legislative proposals, there are both good and bad changes being proposed, depending on your perspective.

The Blank Vote Blues

A friend sent me a short message a few days after the Primary election asking, “Where do we go from here?” My initial response was simply, “Forward.”

Non-COVID diseases deserve your attention too

Although we all have been consumed by COVID concerns, and rightly so, there is a disease that has been here in its many and varied forms before COVID, during COVID, and it will be here after COVID. I’m talking about cancer.

Coco Palms status hearing ‘ignominious’

In the history of the Kaua‘i County Planning Commission, its meeting this past Tuesday to hear a status report on the derelict former Coco Palms Resort in Wailua may rank as one of the most ignominious gatherings it has ever held.

More perspective on several Kaua‘i projects

In response to Debunking the House Bill Myths By Laurie Quarton — while the author of the Aug. 4, 2020, TGI article ‘Debunking the House Bill Myths’, has identified several projects on Kaua‘i that were constructed over the past few years, the author seems to be misinformed as to how these projects actually came about. While these projects were physically developed after the current housing ordinance (Ord. 860 effective as of December 10, 2007 without the mayor’s signature became Chapter 7A) these projects had nothing to do with meeting requirements imposed by this ordinance.

Kaua‘i has learned from others’ virus mistakes

How sad. Hawai‘i was in such an enviable position. The virus came so late, and so slowly to Hawai‘i, that at each stage we had the opportunity to see and learn from what was happening in the Far East, in Europe, on the mainland, and to learn.