We do not have a president-elect

Do we have a president-elect in 2020? Some say we do. Some say we don’t. So, what prevails? How about we follow the U.S. Constitution? Ho, what a novel idea.

Time to recommit to democracy, equality

History advises sympathetic understanding of the misery and suffering which motivated 70 million Americans to vote for someone who professes no respect for American institutions nor fealty to the First Amendment.

Ige should approve Kawakami’s proposals

Gov. David Ige may be on the cusp of making one of the worst political and public health mistakes of his entire term in office, with officials on Kauai concerned the governor has still failed to act on Mayor Derek Kawakami’s latest proposals to control COVID-19 on our island.

Swiss cheese can still save Kaua‘i

Dear Dr. Berreman and Mayor Kawakami, I listened to your video on Friday, Nov. 13, with the usual respect and admiration that I have always had for your handling of the dilemmas caused by the pandemic on Kaua‘i.

Student-athletes feeling COVID-19 impact

I am a junior at Waimea High School. I am writing to you today to explain how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our community, and to express the frustration of many individuals, like business owners, your regular, everyday community, and even high school students and athletes.

A little history and a tribute to military veterans

Veterans Day, observed annually on Nov. 11, is a tribute to military veterans who have served in the U.S. armed forces. It is not to be confused with Memorial Day, which honors those who died while in service. Veterans Day honors all military veterans, including those still with us.

Response to Gary Hooser

Mr. Gary Hooser in response to your opinion editorial “Policy and Politics” and to all other Democratic Socialist Progressives, your ideology is far Left of Center and is truly not considered Centrist. Your unique attempt to move your “Goal Posts” further Left is admirable and a failure.

On Jan. 20, things change dramatically for Trump

In spite of relentless voter suppression forced into place by Republicans, including the deliberate sabotage of the U.S. Postal Service, (by the soon-to-be-unemployed Postmaster General Louis DeJoy), President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris will have received about five million more votes than Donald Trump when the counting is over.

New virus cases likely the tip of the iceberg

The story about the visitor to Kauaʻi who tested negative twice—on the pretravel test and the voluntary post-arrival COVID test—but then turned positive days later (TGI 10/29) was not unexpected. It was predictable.

EVSLIN: My mask can protect me and you

This wonderful little bubble of safety they we have felt on Kaua‘i is over for now. We are all dealing again with the heightened awareness of the real risk of becoming infected and bringing the virus home to our families. This column is not about how we should have opened with at least two tests and a shorter quarantine. It is about how do we make the best of the situation we are facing.

Nov. 3 – Anger, Angst, and Apprehension

This time next week it will all be over. At least I hope and pray that is the case, and that the Biden/Harris ticket win’s by a landslide. Anything less than a decisive victory in both the popular vote and the electoral college will result in a contentious and potentially very dangerous, hot mess.