VOICES: Recyclables are recycled on Kaua‘i

On Monday, May 17, 2021, a letter in the newspaper asked: “Where does the recycling go?” Concerns about whether recyclables get recycled are common throughout the nation, especially in recent years since programs have changed due to China’s restrictions on accepting recycled products.

VOICES: Airplane travel, too many tourists are environmental problem

Twenty years ago, The Hawaiian chapter of the Sierra Club asked the much better funded Los Angeles/Orange County Sierra Club chapter to help fund an effort to sue the Hawaiian Tourism Authority to produce an Environmental Impact report on the effects of tourism on Hawaii. The lawsuit failed.

VOICES: Bring back curbside recycling

In the face of the Climate Crisis, widespread pollution, and post-pandemic challenges, it has never been more important to promote sustainability, equity, and self-sufficiency on Kaua’i.

Kapa‘a Middle School worked hard to keep all safe

After reading today’s letter to the editor (Saying the word resilient doesn’t make it real, May 14 Forum), I wanted to shout out that this morning, 27 of my 27 Kapa‘a Middle School students showed up to eighth-grade English class.

Welcoming a new family member

It has been over a decade since I last had a pet and I never thought I’d get a new family member until my son asked for a dog.

‘Democratic’ Legislature may be a misnomer

People from outside Hawai‘i often assume that because our state Legislature consists overwhelmingly of Democrats, and because in 2016 Hawai‘i voted solidly for Bernie Sanders, that out Legislature must be progressive or at least liberal in the traditional sense.