HOOSER: Hoping for a quick return to normalcy

COVID numbers once again are on the decline! Hopefully, sometime soon, we can return to normalcy, gather again in groups with friends and family, eat out more frequently, and perhaps even testify in person before our government officials.

VOICES: Pro-choice and Pro-life: Full Reproductive Rights for Women

In 1996, after certifying as a women’s health nurse practitioner, I came home. Completing training and a first job at a women’s health clinic associated with Stanford University Hospital, was an eye-opening experience. Grand rounds with the Stanford Medical School visiting OB/GYN professors was heaven…so much to bring back to Kaua’i.

VOICES: COVID on Kaua‘i and your medical care providers

The undersigned medical care providers have spent much of our professional lives caring for the families of Kaua‘i. We are writing this letter to the Kaua‘i community and, in particular, to our first responders (especially firefighters and lifeguards) and to the parents of our school students. You have come to us for medical care for years, please trust us now as we face our greatest healthcare threat.

VOICES: One out of every five people

Until the day he died, my grandfather never took a Bayer aspirin. He also refused Novocain at the dentist and denied a host of other drugs and medical treatments.

VOICES: Closed UI offices a black eye for state

On this Labor Day week, a day to commemorate and celebrate the struggles and accomplishments of the labor movement in Hawai‘i and the U.S., we must sadly note that the state of Hawai‘i continues to fail thousands of unemployed workers by keeping UI (Unemployment Insurance) offices closed and refusing to provide direct, in-person services and assistance to these workers in filing their claims and receiving payments.

VOICES: Climate change happening fast, 4 years to act

The internationally accepted authority on the climate crisis is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The IPCC includes scientists from 195 countries who do a systematic review of all relevant published literature to provide a comprehensive update on climate change, its effects and potential strategies.

VOICES: ‘Obsolete’ radar-defense system would need much electricity

The Department of Defense Missile Defense Agency has proposed a massive radar complex, the Homeland Defense Radar-Hawai‘i. If funded, it’s likely to be located at the Pacific Missile Range Facility. Kaua‘i’s infrastructure and resource capacity would be overwhelmed by this project. Electricity is one example.

HOOSER: Hating on each other is not helpful

It’s time to take a deep breath, I think. Perhaps a second and a third are also in order. I would suggest taking a “chill pill,” but unfortunately too many are probably already headed down this path of self-medication. And the situation is not the least bit funny.