VOICES: Freedom of voice is veterans’ greatest gift
We must believe in our ability to work together to solve our toughest problems.
HOOSER: Tourism and tax policy – go big, go bold
Why does Kauai County have the lowest property tax rates for hotels and resorts in the entire State of Hawaii?
‘Sand saver’ won’t work at Wailua
The Surfrider Foundation was originally organized to oppose the destruction of beaches from “coastal armoring.”
VOICES: Affordable child care a must for Kaua‘i families
The needs on Kaua‘i for affordable childcare are significant, particularly for families with children with a developmental or intellectual disability.
VOICES: On the great engineering of the Menehune people
Over two thousand years ago, there existed, lived, and thrived, in these islands a group of people known as Kauwa, later named Menehunes.
VOICES: TVR tax increase good idea; plan is harmful
Helping those without housing and others to stay in housing is a top priority for me, so I would easily support a simple solution as appeared in the Sunday article, May 15, 2022. All of the council wants to increase the supply of homes for our residents and decrease the number of houses focused on visitors or investors.
HOOSER: Council votes down $4.5M in tax money
Councilmembers voted to keep TVR (transient vacation rental) tax rates lower and postpone new investments in affordable housing.
Legislature took steps backward on climate change
A recent article in TGI (May 10) talked about the legislation the state passed this session regarding the environment and energy.
VOICES: Here’s ideas to fight homelessness
How can we help to decrease homelessness in Hawai‘i?
HOOSER: Many deserve credit for minimum-wage increase
Assuming Governor Ige’s approval, Hawaii’s minimum wage will increase from $10.10 per hour to $12 in October, then phased increases will continue until it reaches $18 in 2028. In addition working families should celebrate the fact that the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) was made permanent and refundable.
Lack of art education detrimental to students
Due to budget cuts and the lack of funding public schools receive, art programs are the first to be dropped.
HOOSER: Why I am here, in 3 minutes or 549 words
I had 3 minutes. The group I was speaking to was a new organization, formed to support candidates whose values supported people and the aina. The question I was asked to speak to was: Why are we here?
Increase electric vehicle infrastructure
Many people here on Kaua‘i, the state and the nation are increasingly interested in moving from gas-powered cars to electric vehicles (EVs) due to climate change concerns and the energy crisis.
VOICES: Things to consider before filing a TRO
During the last few years, you might have noticed a number of discouraging trends with how people are dealing with one another. As a District Court judge, one that’s come to my attention is the increase in filings of non-family temporary restraining orders (TROs) on Kaua‘i — from 171 in 2014 to 236 in 2021.
VOICES: On Workers’ Memorial Day, remember Hawai‘i workers whose jobs claimed their lives
Each year, thousands of workers of all ages die needlessly – leaving their families, friends and communities to grieve – when required safety and health standards are ignored.
VOICES: Here’s how you can become Kaua‘i’s mayor
Free and fair elections are the cornerstone of democracy. Elections give ‘we the people’ a voice in our government in the most fundamental way: by deciding who governs. Democracy is what our country, state, cities and counties base their elections on. I would be surprised if anybody likes to see a candidate run for a political office with little to no challenge.
HOOSER: Raise the rage; time to take action on minimum wage
Top executives of Hawaii’s largest publicly traded companies received an average pay increase of more than $750,000 in 2021. Their average take-home pay:$4.5 million (HNN).
HOOSER: 2022 elections: Some speculation, some facts
The 2022 Kaua‘i election lineup is slowly starting to take shape. As of 04/15, 10 residents have formally expressed interest in running for the seven-member County Council. In 2020 there were 21 candidates on the primary ballot, with the top 14 going on to the general election.
VOICES: Racial stereotypes are detrimental
Throughout the month of April, YWCA Kaua‘i is hosting their annual virtual Stand Against Racism Challenge. This week, participants are exploring the powerful effects of representation (or the lack thereof) in media.
GUEST: Minimum wage increase a must in battle against poverty
A big shout out to the YWCA Kaua’i for bringing to light the intersection of racial justice and economic disparity. I am a proud participant in the Stand Against Racism Challenge event and a strong advocate of the important work we all need to do to better ensure everyone has access to a fair economic playing field.