ERSOY: Does the type of cardio matter?

The word cardio is often linked to weight loss. And that’s understandable, it is true that cardio can help you burn some extra calories. Although we often forget that weight loss really is just an additional side effect of cardio and the correct diet.

JONES: The No. 1 super secret to sustenance …

Your tips have helped me so much with getting results from my exercises. I especially feel the difference when I lower weight super slowly during strength training. In addition to toning up, I am also interested in shaping up… my diet! I would love to hear your thoughts about nutrition and weight loss. Thank you so much for your help.

ERSOY: Can you gain strength with intermittent fasting?

If you find the title of this column interesting then probably you already have some experience with intermittent fasting, or you know about it and want to try it. Intermittent fasting (IF) has become very popular in the last few years. You may have heard some amazing success stories but maybe also some not so positive results as well.

JONES: My physician’s prescription: more muscle

I have recently been diagnosed with a metabolic issue which, though concerning, is treatable. My doctor recommends I focus on gaining and maintaining muscle mass, something that is already a challenge for most guys as we advance in years. Do you have any suggestions for the best way to build muscular size and strength without overly stressing my metabolic systems?

ERSOY: Dealing with binge eating and eating disorders

We all binge eat at some points in our life. Binge eating simply means consuming a very large quantity of food often without even realizing it, and don’t worry, just because you have done this doesn’t mean that you have an eating disorder. Probably you did it without any feelings of blame or shame about yourself afterwards, and while it may not be perfect for your body it’s probably not causing any major problems either. However, if you find yourself keeping doing it over and over again, for example regularly for several months, then you may need to seek help.

Free screenings at Walmart Wellness Day

LIHU‘E — The Walmart store located in Lihu‘e will be joining other participating Walmart stores from across the state and country in celebrating the first Walmart Wellness Day of 2023.

ERSOY: Are goals and dreams really necessary?

One more year has passed and we have had one more opportunity to do something different in our lives, and hopefully our lives are all getting better in every way. Of course, that’s what we wish for. And even if we don’t have specific New Year resolutions we most likely do have our own subconscious wish list for what we want to get or achieve.

JONES: Resolving resolutions after a holiday hiatus

I have taken a break from my fitness routine since before Thanksgiving and I’m probably not going to be back into the swing of things until after the new year begins. Should I resume my program where I left off, or do I need to start from scratch after being a six-week sloth?

ERSOY: Why is dieting a never ending story? Part 3 — is insulin your enemy?

Why is dieting a never ending story? In the previous parts of this series I explained how the body will resist by changing hormones and slowing down the metabolism to either initially prevent you from losing weight or to trigger you to gain it back after losing it. This process is just our body trying to survive, it really doesn’t care how we may look in a certain outfit.

JONES: Top 10 tricks for strength training: Part 2

Aloha Doug, I’ve been good about doing cardio but I know that lifting weights is important too. Can you please give me some basic tips for strength training? There are so many different opinions out there and I’m just not sure what’s right anymore.

ERSOY: Why is dieting a never ending story? Part 2

In part one of this series I gave you a little bit of bad news when I explained how dieting is hard and how our body’s reaction is to make sure that we maintain homeostasis, keeping everything with normal conditions and not losing weight.

All Ears mediators provide free listening service

LIHU‘E — Sometimes people just want to be heard. Conrad Welti saw the value in listening while serving as a mediator at Kaua‘i Economic Opportunity, which works with people in a variety of interpersonal disputes.

JONES: Top 10 tricks for strength training: Part 1

Mahalo for all of the information in your column. I’ve been good about doing cardio but I know that lifting weights is important too. Can you please give me some basic tips for strength training? There are so many different opinions out there and I’m just not sure what’s right anymore.

ERSOY: Why is dieting a never ending story? Part 1

For many people, Thanksgiving and Christmas mean gaining some extra weight then starting dieting once the holidays are over. I don’t think that it is the smartest idea to eat extra with a wish to then lose it after the holidays. Here’s why…

Free diabetes, blood pressure screening Saturday

PUHI — The East Kaua‘i Lions Club and its community partners host a “Take Charge of Your Health: Free Diabetes and Blood Pressure Screening” event on Saturday at the Kaua‘i Philippine Cultural Center from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

JONES: Starting stamina slowly is right way to go

In a few of your previous columns, you’ve mentioned the importance of including “stamina” exercises at the beginning of each workout session. Could you please be a little more specific about which types of cardio you think are best for somebody just getting back into the swing of fitness. I want to do things right and I don’t know which activities are the best for those of us re-starting from scratch.