Stories by Wyatt Haupt Jr.

Upcoming lane closures on Kaua‘i

LIHU‘E — The summer road improvement season is in full swing with lane closures in place from Waimea to Hanalei, the Hawai‘i Department of Transportation said in an update on Friday.

Disaster declaration for Kaua‘i approved by Biden

LIHU‘E — A federal disaster declaration from President Joe Biden was hailed by local and federal lawmakers, who said the decision would bring much needed relief to communities on Kaua‘i impacted by severe weather and flooding in April.

Lane closures scheduled on Kaua‘i

LIHU‘E — A number of lane closures are in store next week with the most work scheduled in Lihu‘e, the Hawai‘i Department of Transportation said in a weekly update on Friday.

June water quality report released

LIHU‘E — A monthly analysis of streams, rivers and surf spots around the island found high concentrations of enterococcus bacterium, a federally recognized indicator of fecal presence in water, at a number of locations.

Lane closures scheduled for Kaua‘i

LIHU‘E — A number of road-related projects are on tap in the coming week with work stretching from the westside of the island to the northside, the Hawai‘i Department of Transportation said in an update on Friday.

State insurance chief doesn’t see carrier exit

HONOLULU — The state of Hawai‘i has been the subject of some scary national headlines lately regarding property insurance, but the state insurance commissioner on Tuesday expressed a less calamitous view of the industry affecting homeowners.

Average gas price eases

LIHU‘E — The average price for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline eased last week, but stood firmly above the other three major islands, according to a AAA Hawai‘i Weekend Gas Watch on Thursday, May 30.

Lane closures scheduled on Kaua‘i

LIHU‘E — A number of lane closures are planned in the days ahead from the westside to the northside of the island, the Hawai‘i Department of Transportation said in an update on Friday.

State acts to prevent telecom cutoff on home lands

HONOLULU — Gov. Josh Green issued an emergency proclamation Friday evening to prevent the loss of telecommunications services for about 1,500 Sandwich Isles Communications customers on Hawaiian home lands throughout the state.

Roadwork scheduled this week on Kaua‘i

LIHU‘E — A number of road-related projects are on tap in the holiday-shortened week with most of the work taking place on the eastside of the island, the Hawai‘i Department of Transportation said in a weekly update on Friday.