Stories by Jessica Else

Anaina Hou looking for funding

Winds of change are blowing at the Anaina Hou community center, with main financial support bowing out and new staff picking up a renewed focus on local events.

Marine debris bar blessed

In celebration of World Water Day and the Net Patrol program’s 12-year anniversary, Surfrider Kauai Chapter members gathered at the Aqua Kauai Beach Resort on Friday.

Soaking up CO2

The ocean is bearing the brunt of increased carbon dioxide (CO2), swallowing it up and helping to keep emissions out of the atmosphere.

Stopping rapid ohia death

In a University of Hawaii laboratory, scientists are researching the newly identified fungus that’s causing rapid ohia death (ROD) in the endemic trees on Kauai and Hawaii Island.

Healing with Hawaiian herbs

Traditional medicine, herbs for healing and authentic Hawaiian practices are infiltrating the Lawai International Center Saturday, March 30.

North Shore albatross nursery

Devin the albatross chick isn’t the first to hatch in Heather Devin’s front yard, but it is the first that’s been dubbed with the family’s last name.

Convention contention

The Kauai Republican Party is gathering Saturday for the county convention and recent infighting between a district chairman and the chairman points to a controversial convention.

Super sweet accolades

Cacao and caffeine brought home awards from the Hawaii Lodging & Tourism Association earlier this month, with the award for Best Heritage and Cultural Event going to the Kauai Chocolate and Coffee Festival.

Invasive annihilation

From brown tree snakes to coqui frogs, parakeets and mongoose, miconia and common rush, Kauai has a list of invasive species that have taken root, and is planning to prevent other species from arriving.

Water diversion bill now with Senate

Several grassroots groups on Kauai and throughout the state are targeting Kauai legislators, asking them to kill a bill that would extend temporary water diversion permits for large corporations.

Calling out climate change

Signs lined Rice Street on Friday afternoon with phrases saying: “Like the Ocean, We Rise,” “Raise your voice, not your sea levels,” and “Respect our Mother.”

I wish I were Irish

Dress in green to support local greens this St. Patrick’s Day at Anaina Hou’s Porter Pavilion in Kilauea on Saturday from 5:30 p.m.


People on Kauai are joining a viral worldwide internet trend that encourages behavior more responsible than the viral Momo or Tide Pod Challenge.

No to sanctuary state

The state is taking a step back from setting up Hawaii as a sanctuary for illegal immigrants in the U.S., a decision people on Kauai were calling for as the topic moved through the Legislature.

Flying to a new home

While laysan albatross chicks on Kauai are just about to starting to outgrow their nests, 25 of their cousins are getting used to something new far from their own birthplaces