Stories by Jerome Freitas

Da Shadow: Potholes

When is Omao Road scheduled to be repaved or repaired? The road has numerous large potholes that make it very unsafe for motorists.

Da Shadow: Road cleanups

Please look into trimming overgrown tree branches overlapping from private property onto the county road as it is a safety concern.

Da Shadow: Permits, revenue

How many homestay permits have been issued in the last three fiscal years? What is the revenue generated from thesepermits, broken out by fiscal year?

Da Shadow: Cemetery, building permit numbers

The county cemetery located behind Kalepa Housing is overgrown with bushes and weeds. Does the county maintain this site on a regular basis? Can the county look into providing running water for cemetery users?

Da Shadow: Mud at transfer station

Recently, the Kapaa Transfer Station has been closed due to mud. The administration stated several years ago that they planned to lay cement due to the muddy conditions; however, as of today it has not been done. When does the administration intend to address this issue?

Da Shadow: Road repair, crosswalk

As you are driving towards the Kukuiolono Golf Course on Papalina Road, the road is damaged due to uprooting fromthe large trees in the area. Does the county have plans to address this issue? If so, when can this potential safetyhazard be addressed?

Da Shadow: Transfer station hours

Are there plans to change the hours of operation at all County of Kauai transfer stations to be open later? The current hours are inconvenient for the members of the public. What was the reasoning for the change in operating hours with the transfer stations now closing at 3:15 p.m.?

Da Shadow: Bus stop

Are there any plans to improve the lighting near the Kauai Bus hub at the Bryan J. Baptiste Sports Complex?

Da Shadow: Parking lots

The parking area at the Lihue Neighborhood Center is very dim and lacks lights. Does the county have any plans to install additional lighting to improve safety and security for this area? The lowly lit parking lot is frequented by users participating in illegal and illicit activities.

Da Shadow: Public toilets, exposed pipe

The portable toilets located at various county parks and facilities continue to remain in horrific condition. Most recently, complaints were received for the portable toilets near the Kapaa Neighborhood Center and Bryan J. Baptiste Sports Complex. What is the cleaning schedule for these portable toilets and who can the public call to request cleaning? Who from the county is responsible for monitoring these portable toilets and to ensure that the scheduled maintenance is being completed by the portable toilet provider?