Stories by Dennis Fujimoto

Happy Camper for Monday, March 2, 2020

Happy birthday to Bev Pang, who missed being a leap-year baby by just one day. Bev was among the throng of people taking a break from all that wind at the Hinamatsuri, or Girls’ Day festivities (kudos to Pearl Shimizu of the Kaua‘i Japanese Cultural Society and Melissa McFerrin-Warrack of Kukui Grove Center), where the birthday girl was celebrating with mochiko chicken and nishime.

Celebrating volunteerism

Richard Higa of Seattle was in the thick of the excitement being shared by residents at Kaua‘i Veterans Memorial Hospital in Waimea when they planted seeds to the hospital’s planned gardens.

Celebrating girls

Tuesday, March 3 is Girls’ Day, a time for wishing health and well-being for women — especially young girls. The tradition was brought to Hawai‘i by the Japanese and Okinawa people who arrived to work on the plantations more than a century ago.

Happy Camper for Sunday, March 1, 2020

Don Fox of Washington was excited when Rhan Honjiyo asked him to push the buttons and verify the “early overs” (sailboats who cross the starting line prematurely) Thursday during the Nawiliwili Yacht Club’s Shakedown Series Race No. 3 (did he go last week when it was windy and rainy?).

Stepping up for technology

Lani Taeza, the Hawai‘i Health Systems Corporation Kaua‘i Regional Imaging Supervisor, said Wednesday that breast tomosynthesis is the most advanced Federal Drug Administration-approved technology that takes multiple 2D images to recreate a 3-dimensional picture of a breast.

‘It’s busy on Fridays’

Health advisories have been triggering a rush of people to retailers across the U.S., all prepping for a potential COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak and stripping the shelves of necessities like masks, water and food.

‘NexGen’ shines at guitar festival

Alan Akaka, director of Ke Kula Mele School of Hawaiian Music, described the young people as “NexGen” Friday during the Fifth annual Kaua‘i Steel Guitar Festival that opened at the Sheraton Kaua‘i at Coconut Beach.

Historic bridge reopens

The county Department of Water announced the reopening of the historic Hanapepe Road bridge over the Hanapepe River to motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians Friday.

Hana hou, Waimea Town Celebration

The Heritage of Aloha Ho‘olaule‘a, spanning nearly two days from Friday evening, marked the final weekend of the nine-day Waimea Town Celebration presented by the Westside Business & Professional Association.

Happy Camper for Friday, February 28, 2020

Memory Robinson was supposed to have her ‘ohana collect at the Menehune Product Fair (Hoku’s is there with his ono local grinds) before they left for the mainland, but not everyone got the memo.

St. Catherine hosts keiki triathlon

KAPA‘A — St. Catherine School hosted its first triathlon, Friday centered around the Kapa‘a Pool, and the adjoining park located behind the Kapa‘a Neighborhood Center.

Abel keeps winning Kaua‘i Hoe Wa‘a

NAWILIWILI — Abel Teriitemataua was not going to be beat, Sunday during the Kaua‘i Hoe Wa‘a JP’s Tree Trimming, Race No. 3 that was settled to contest at the Nawiliwili Harbor.

Mauka to makai

LIHU‘E — The Hawai‘i Department of Land and Natural Resources and other partner programs will open the final weekend of the Third Annual Kaua‘i OceanFest starting Friday at 5:30 p.m. at the Kaua‘i Ocean Discovery in the Kukui Grove Center with a theme of “From Mauka to Makai with DLNR and Friends.”