Stories by Bill Buley

Tim Delavega: Man of many talents

Tim Delavega is a multi-talented man. To say the least. Award-winning photographer. Home builder and designer, who bought the land and built a home for his parents. Author of several books, including five on the history of surfing. Documenter. National award winner for his cultural documentation work.

Riding the waves of life

It’s probably not an exaggeration to say most people in America, and many beyond, know the story of Bethany Hamilton. Born and raised on Kauai, she was surfing at Tunnels Beach in 2003 when she lost her left arm in a shark attack at age 13. It wasn’t long before she courageously returned to surfing and went on to become a professional surfer and, today, remains among the world’s top surfers. Her comeback and her faith have been chronicled in several books and a major motion picture, “Soul Surfer.”

Newspapers shouldn’t fret over what Trump says about them

A few people asked me if The Garden Island planned to participate in the coordinated effort for newspapers across the country to publish editorials in defense of free press on Thursday. The reason being, to fight back against President Donald Trump’s criticism of the media and his continual use of “fake news” in reaction to stories he believes are wrong, biased and, sometimes, he just doesn’t like.

Spirit of Lawai

It was just last year that David Anthony Salo and Nancy Ann Crenna visited the Lawai International Center. Since then, they’ve felt a desire to return to Kauai. Sunday, at the 18th annual Pilgrimage of Compassion, they did.

Against all odds: Democrats pour money into longshot races

Thara Narasimhan, who hosts an Hindu radio program in Houston, has already given $1,200 to a Democrat running against Republican U.S. Rep. Pete Olson, who once drove around his solidly conservative Texas district with a “NEVER HILLARY” bumper sticker on his pickup. Her plans to donate even more bewilder friends.

Mahalo candidates, voters; on to the general election

The primary election is all over but for the shouting. By now, we know who will be moving on to November’s general election. The top two in the mayor’s race, the top 14 in the council race, and candidates for the state Legislature, governor’s office, lieutenant governor’s office and Congress, have all been settled on the sides of Democrats and Republicans and other parties.

Derek, Mel advance

When the first results flashed on the board Saturday evening, the crowd at the Kauai Veterans Center roared. The second set of numbers showed County Councilmember Derek Kawakami with a substantial lead by a more than 2-to-1 margin in the mayoral race.

Cazimero gives inside look at hula

Robert Cazimero is known for his beautiful voice and musical career. But the man also knows hula. His book, “Men of Hula:Robert Cazimero and Halau Na Kamalei,” is a fascinating look at this art and Cazimero’s influence on it.

Endorsements? Not from TGI — except for one

The other day, a friend was questioning me about whether The Garden Island planned to endorse any candidates for public office. No, I said, we haven’t endorsed candidates since I came here five and a half years ago and we don’t plan to start endorsing any candidates now.

Dancing, drumming delight

Blocks from Kapaa Beach Park, you could hear the drums. They were followed by the excited shouts of mistress of ceremonies Cathy Teri‘ipaia.