Stories by Bill Buley

Aloha is what binds us together

Our former mayor, Bernard Carvalho Jr., was big on aloha. He preached it. He lived it. He led the county government by it. His trademark, “Aloooooooooha” always opened his remarks. And if you had a chance to spend any time with Carvalho, you knew the aloha was genuine.

Comments welcome, but let’s be respectful

A recent caller to The Garden Island said she was concerned with our online comments on stories, columns and letters to the editor. Many, she said, were too negative. Too critical. Too nasty. And by publishing them, we were spreading negativity and, in a way, encouraging these people to continue such behavior. Why, she asked, do you allow those comments online?

Author Toby Neal releases memoir

Toby (Wilson) Neal grew up on laid-back Kauai, but her memoir, “Freckled: A Memoir of Growing Up Wild in Hawaii,” is a fast-paced story of growing up a homeless surfer kid and making her way to college at Boston University.

The run of her life

Ann Hettinger had two goals at the 2018 XTerra 21K Trail Run World Championship: finish, and don’t break any bones. She accomplished both.

Kauai counting on HTA’s new president

Kauai is having, by all standards, a wonderful year when it comes to tourism. Which, purely based on economic reasons and considering that this island’s economy hinges on tourism, is good news.

Carter B., this one’s for you

When a “Dear Editor” letter from a mainland school arrives at The Garden Island office, it usually ends up in one place: the recycling bin.

Lihue Airport lot full

LIHUE — The Hawaii Department of Transportatio Airports Division alerts travelers on Kauai that all 575 public parking stalls at Lihue Airport are occupied and the parking may remain full over the weekend.

Trump Justice pick likely to be queried on Mueller comments

President Donald Trump on Friday picked former Attorney General William Barr to once again serve as America’s top law enforcement official. But while his experience and mainstream background may boost his prospects for confirmation, Democrats are raising alarms about his comments on the Russia investigation and Hillary Clinton.

Silver Screen songs

S. Morris Wise admits he is nervous about directing his first Kauai Chorale show. But he’s also confident.