PUHI — Prevention Awareness Understanding Violence is the most important thing people should take away from the rally, said Patricia Wistinghausen. The PAU acronym popped up in messages being scribbled along the sidewalks fronting the Learning Resource Center at the
PUHI — Prevention Awareness Understanding Violence is the most important thing people should take away from the rally, said Patricia Wistinghausen.
The PAU acronym popped up in messages being scribbled along the sidewalks fronting the Learning Resource Center at the Kauai Community College as Wistinghausen and Cherie Mooy spearheaded a Break the Silence rally in conjunction with October being Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
It also comes just days following an incident where a student in a Mainland middle school used a gun to kill and wound others.
“Next year, we’re trying to make this bigger,” Wistinghausen said about spreading the annual message.
Students leaving class stopped by the informational tent, some with more time staying to scribble messages on the sidewalk while others browsed through the literature.
KCC Chancellor Dr. Helen Cox stopped by between meetings to add her message.
Wistinghausen said violence is anything which makes one not feel good.
“There are people who are victims, who are not reported, and there are people who need help and are not going for help, and that is not OK,” Wistinghausen said. “We’re going to speak out for them, and we’re going to keep speaking out until the problem is solved.”