Editor’s note: Old-timers might still remember the introduction from The Shadow radio program: “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!” Jerome Freitas, a retired state Department of Transportation worker who is now better known
Editor’s note: Old-timers might still remember the introduction from The Shadow radio program: “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!” Jerome Freitas, a retired state Department of Transportation worker who is now better known as Da Shadow, since 2004 has been meeting with government representatives about problems he has discovered or that have been reported to him, and reporting the county’s responses.
Kelia Beach Park
Shadow: Why can’t the county put up another comfort station on the south end of Kelia Beach Park
County: Parks is looking into options to provide porta potties at a location between the Kelia lifeguard stand and the Kapaa Neighborhood Center. We will attempt to provide this additional service within our current fiscal year budget.
Weinberg Sports Fields
Shadow: There are no picnic tables or pavilion at Weinberg Sports Fields in Wailua. Is there any plan to enhance that sports park?
County: Parks will continue to assess improvements to this facility along with improvements and maintenance of island-wide facilities in the upcoming fiscal year 2015 annual budget.
Wailua Golf Course
Shadow: Will you be restriping the parking stalls that are on the bottom of the hill at Wailua Golf Course?
County: Repaving and striping of the driveway and parking lot at Wailua Golf Course will be proposed in the upcoming fiscal year 2015 budget proposal.
Anini Bridge
Shadow: Are there plans to repair or replace Anini Bridge? If so, what is the status?
County: The existing box culvert bridge will be replaced with a new concrete bridge. Engineering is in the process of completing designs. PW expects the bridge project to be completed by June 2014.
Papaya disinfestation plant in Lihue
Shadow: What is the update on plans for the county to use this as a materials recovery facility?
PW is working with the land lease holder on the transfer of the property and will update as we receive more information. We do not anticipate any new information until the last quarter of the calendar year. An EA and preliminary engineering and design is to begin within the next few months.
Puhi Metals Recycling Center
Shadow: What is the status of the cleanup at this site?
County: The contractor has completed Phase II of the cleanup involving separation of scrap metal and other debris from a large soil stockpile created by the previous operator, Abe’s Auto Recyclers. Due to the volume and high value of soil, County and Grove Farm are evaluating the next steps, including consideration of additional sampling of stockpile soils to help determine suitability for beneficial uses such as landfill daily cover.
Wailua Emergency Bypass
Shadow: Is someone maintaining this roadway in the event that it needs to be opened in an emergency? Is there any plan to open it permanently as a bypass?
County: PW Roads does complete monthly maintenance of vegetation control on shoulders, fence line and tree trimming — including pothole patching. There are no plans to open the bypass permanently due to landowner concerns.
Puuwai Road in Kalaheo
Shadow: As you turn right and go up from the highway, there are two big dropoffs on the left side that seem very dangerous. This is a narrow road. Can this be fixed?
County: Engineering will investigate and provide recommendations of options which may including guardrail installation.
Hockey rinks
Shadow: Are there any plans to build more in-line hockey rinks like the one at Kappa’s New Town Park?
County: Parks does not currently have plans to develop another in-line hockey arena. However, the soon to be completed Kauai Parks and Recreation Master Plan will provide an analysis of the community’s requests and needs for new facilities and recommendations and priorities for future new facility development.
• Jerome Freitas can be reached at theshadow96751@gmail.com or 635-3528. Visit theshadow96746.tripod.com