KAPAA — Everyone had someone Friday, said Josie Pablo, recreation director at the Samuel Mahelona Memorial Hospital in Kapaa. “This was one of the new facets of this year’s Christmas Luncheon,” Pablo said. “Members of the hospital staff were paired
KAPAA — Everyone had someone Friday, said Josie Pablo, recreation director at the Samuel Mahelona Memorial Hospital in Kapaa.
“This was one of the new facets of this year’s Christmas Luncheon,” Pablo said. “Members of the hospital staff were paired with residents who have no family so no one would be left out. Everyone needs to feel like they belong to the family.”
More than 130 people filled the hospital’s multi-purpose room that was decorated specially for the midday meal with family and friends.
Patrick Ching, a local artist, worked his magic to allow Kimo the Christmas Horse to be available at the hospital for the enjoyment of the residents and their families.
Ching said he acquired Kimo who used to grace a store on the Fort Street Mall on Oahu during an auction and restored the animal ,which stands just a tad shorter than a full-sized equine.
“These are the kinds of phone calls I like to get,” Ching said.
Pablo, following an introduction to the luncheon guests, volunteered Ching to join the Kilauea Social Club in presenting a concert of Christmas carols done in the local style — complete with Donna Gushiken on a tub bass.
“Spencer Gushiken started this group,” Pablo said. “He’s not with us, today, but I’m sure he’s looking down and enjoying the performance from heaven.”
Ching discovered how Pablo served as the catalyst to pull everything together for the benefit of the residents who could share in the magic of the holidays with family.
“Our Mahelona Hospital Auxiliary provides gifts so each resident gets a special present from Santa,” Pablo said. “Our Maintenance Department will be providing sleigh rides to the families and residents.”
And the list goes on as sponsors touched by Pablo’s holiday magic contributed to the overall success of the day — Judy Kololoia and the Kapaa High School food service program offering gingerbread houses and villages, Leland Nishek and the ohana at Kauai Nursery and Landscaping coming up with poinsettia centerpieces for the tables, and the entire staff at the Mahelona Hospital for their countless contributions to keep the residents happy and well-cared for.
• Dennis Fujimoto, staff writer and photographer, can be reached at 245-0453 or dfujimoto@thegardenisland.com.