LIHUE – Savita Kumar wants women to know that If they start loving themselves, they can changes their lives. “You are unique and you are here on a unique journey,” she said Wednesday to a couple dozen women at a free empowerment
LIHUE – Savita Kumar wants women to know that If they start loving themselves, they can changes their lives.
“You are unique and you are here on a unique journey,” she said Wednesday to a couple dozen women at a free empowerment workshop sponsored by the Kauai Committee on the Status of Women.
Kumar is a certified empowerment coach and is board certified through the American Association of drugless practitioners. “What is an empowered women?” was the topic of the one-hour brown bag lunch confidence booster for women.
“I feel all women should be empowered,” said Andrea Peeler, who attended the meeting. “The more tools we have to work with the better we’ll be for ourselves and our families.”
An empowered women is feminine, strong, loving, kind and even-tempered, Kumar said.
“She lives her life in faith, hope and trust,” Kumar said. “She knows there are no problems that can’t be solved. She is the captain of her own ship and takes good care of herself in all aspects of her life. She respects herself.”
Kumar told the women they are not just their names or their Social Security numbers.
“We are all divine creations and are all part of the universe,” Kumar said.
She offered up practical tools for getting in touch with themselves.
“Empowered women won’t be caught or involved in any drama,” Kumar said. “They instead ask themselves what they could do differently that works for them.”
Don’t point your finger at others and make them responsible for your life and don’t blame your story or past for your life today were other poignant lessons.
“We are all born to live a happy beautiful life,” Kumar told the lunch crowd. “If you know the power inside, you will be in awe of yourself.”
Another key component in the empowerment equation is loving one’s body.
“Learn to be grateful for your body. It is working 24-7 despite the fact you may have abused it,” Kumar said.
After the lecture, Peeler was pumped up and plans to attend next month’s talk in the lecture series. In the meantime, she plans to as she put it, “Smell the rainbows. I want to be more joyful to appreciate what I have. I want to grow and be a happier person.”
Jade Battad, another attendee who works as a clerical assistant, also felt inspired by the lecture.
“I need to work more at quieting my mind. I went up to Kokee recently and I know it was God telling me to listen,” she said. “With all the modern technology, God wanted me to go and be unplugged.”
In her parting words Kumar told the group that their souls can never be broken.
“They are magnificent and shining,” she said.
The next free women’s empowerment workshop with Kumar, sponsored again by the Kauai Committee on the Status of Women is tentatively scheduled for Aug. 27.
Info: or 241-4920.