Mickey Roon is a 19-year-old who is intellectually disabled with autism and nutrition concerns. He lives in Omao with his single mother and is close to his family. He attends Kauai High and hopes to own his own self-employed recycling
Mickey Roon is a 19-year-old who is intellectually disabled with autism and nutrition concerns. He lives in Omao with his single mother and is close to his family. He attends Kauai High and hopes to own his own self-employed recycling company. He has a personal assistance worker who helps him with his goals to increase his independence. Mickey continues to need other food supplements besides his normal meals. Mickey’s family needs help to purchase poi which will give Mickey the proper vitamins and nutrients he needs to remain healthy. Any assistance to support Mickey and his family would be appreciated.
This is just one of the stories of those who will receive help through The Garden Island/Zonta Christmas Fund that is under way.
TGI and the Zonta Club of Kauai are teaming up to make the holidays happier for less-fortunate residents. Through Christmas Eve, The Garden Island will share stories of families facing challenges who could use a little holiday cheer.
Donations to the Christmas Fund will be distributed by Zonta Club members, who purchase gifts certificates at appropriate businesses to help make their wishes come true. Each donated dollar is carefully recorded, accounted for and spent wisely. Volunteers make this program a reality. There are no administrative expenses. Donations go to help individuals and families. The Garden Island/Zonta Christmas Fund was established in the early 1980s. Yoshiko “Dimples” Kano, has been chair of the Fund Committee for more than 20 years.
Anyone making a donation of $50 or more can have their picture presenting the check published in TGI. Only monetary donations can be accepted. Checks, payable to Zonta Club of Kauai Foundation, can be mailed to P.O. Box 3032, Lihue, HI 96766. Info: Kano at 822-4517.
The following are more stories of people who could use help through The Garden Island/Zonta Christmas Fund. While the names have been changed, the situations described are real.
– Cassie has early dementia and lives with her daughter. They both share monthly expenses, but recently Cassie’s daughter had to have surgery and has not been working since. Her prognosis to return to work is not good and they are worried about basic necessities.
– Elsa is an 85-year-old woman who has had a tough life but still manages to keep her spirits up by visiting her friends and attending church regularly. Elsa makes do with a very small Social Security check, but with the rising cost of health insurance and medications along with rent, utilities and food, there is never any money left over for non-necessities. Elsa’s Christmas would be a little brighter with a gift card that would allow her a few extra items.
– Sam lives in a care home and his monthly income covers the cost of his stay. He does not have any family on Kauai and when the holidays come around, he has no one to visit him or bring him gifts.
– Jane is a 2-year-old child with multiple developmental delays and a high probability of continued develop-mental delays. She receives therapy services from Easter Seals and has been consulting with medical specialists on Oahu. Jana lives with her parents and two siblings. Her family shares a home with other extended family members and their children. The mother is the only source of income for this family. The family would appreciate financial assistance to purchase diapers and clothing.