During the holidays, there are many seeking a loving home. In spite of being only 13 years old, Blake has already experienced his fair share of hardship. After moving back and forth between periods of homelessness and abusive living situations,
During the holidays, there are many seeking a loving home.
In spite of being only 13 years old, Blake has already experienced his fair share of hardship. After moving back and forth between periods of homelessness and abusive living situations, Blake was eventually separated from his mother and placed in foster care, where he is already living with his second family. These traumatic experiences left him with much unresolved anger and pain. To cope with these issues, he began using drugs and acting out in school.
Recently, Blake has been showing improvement in both of these areas after receiving some help and he’s even hoping to join his school’s football team, where he shows much promise. Blake would love some new football cleats, as well as a new backpack for school.
Through Christmas Eve, The Garden Island will share stories of families facing challenges who could use a little holiday cheer. Donations to the Christmas Fund will be distributed by Zonta Club members, who purchase gift certificates at appropriate businesses to help make their wishes come true. Each donated dollar is carefully recorded, accounted for and spent wisely. Volunteers make this program a reality. There are no paid administrators. Donations go to help individuals and families.
The Garden Island/Zonta Christmas Fund was established in the early 1980s. Yoshiko “Dimples” Kano has been the longtime chair of the Christmas Fund Committee. Organizers and recipients appreciate all contributions.
Anyone making a donation of $50 or more can have their picture presenting the check published in TGI.
Only monetary donations can be accepted. Checks, payable to Zonta Club of Kauai Foundation, can be mailed to P.O. Box 3032, Lihue, HI 96766.
Info: Yoshiko “Dimples” Kano at 822-4517.
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