PACIFIC MISSILE RANGE FACILITY — The Pacific Missile Range Facility welcomes all participants to sign up for the “Challenge the Hare (Hash) Run” at the Navy base, May 30. Runners will meet at 5 p.m. at the base tennis court.
PACIFIC MISSILE RANGE FACILITY — The Pacific Missile Range Facility welcomes all participants to sign up for the “Challenge the Hare (Hash) Run” at the Navy base, May 30.
Runners will meet at 5 p.m. at the base tennis court.
The course will be unknown and the rules explained to participants at the start of the run.
“We invite our Kauai community neighbors to join in PMRF’s first-ever family friendly challenge, the hare hash run,” said Erick Greffrath, base fitness center manager and event organizer. “Participants must be able to run or walk three miles on trails and off road. This will be a fun challenge suitable for all those with a sense of adventure.”
Greffrath said the run is modeled upon the Hash House Harriers international, social, non-competitive running group which began in 1938. At a hash run the “hare” (or rabbit) starts the run before everyone else and sets a trail which all the other runners (the “pack” or “hounds”) have to follow.
The trail may go anywhere and is marked with flour or shredded paper. The pack must follow this trail which may include false trails, short cuts, dead ends, and splits. These features are designed to keep the pack together despite differences in fitness level or running speed, as the fastest runners (front-runners) are forced to slow down to find the “true” trail, allowing stragglers to catch up.
Cost for the event is $30 and all those pre-registered prior to May 15 will receive a special event bag and T-shirt. The price also includes a meal (salad/pizza) at Shenanigans base restaurant following the run and music from a local band. All those coming on base for the run must be registered participants on Everyone must include their full name and birth date. Without providing this info you will not be granted base access. Participants must also bring a valid ID with them and drivers must have license, registration and proof of insurance to drive on base.
Pre-registration should be done online by May 15 at:
For more information, contact Greffrath at 335-4983 or the fitness center at 335-4379.