Letters for Sept. 11, 2015 Give your time to help others I read with great interest the article on suicide (TGI, Monday, Sept. 8). They planned a flag waving at five sites islandwide Thursday from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm.
Letters for Sept. 11, 2015
Give your time to help others
I read with great interest the article on suicide (TGI, Monday, Sept. 8). They planned a flag waving at five sites islandwide Thursday from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm. A lot of people are putting in lots of time and one got to believe a lot of money also into this very important community problem.
I would like to suggest an alternative to waving flags. All who plan on attending, how about you give your hour to a youth group that is actually doing something and not just showboating. Be a volunteer official, a volunteer coach or help any of many youth activities.
I bet you money and give you odds that one hour will do far more to address suicide instead of waving flags on the side of the road. Don’t talk. Just do it.
Orlando S. Anaya