Letters for Sept. 28, 2015 Sustainability not the issue with milk The new, more soothing word used on the public is one as vague as the other common two, and now we see every politician and project director mouthing “sustainability.”
Letters for Sept. 28, 2015
Sustainability not the issue with milk
The new, more soothing word used on the public is one as vague as the other common two, and now we see every politician and project director mouthing “sustainability.” How can you not rise in heated fervor when God and country are at stake or want desperately for “sustainability.”
We need to look carefully at what that word truly means, and realize that in regard to the availability of local food goods, such will only work under the present unusual conditions of small constellations where farms, generally family run and staffed, or small co-ops produce needed, consumable, goods and generate profits which rotate in the purchase of other necessities. This interaction allowing the money flow to stay within that boundary.
Kauai faces what thousands of other areas face, and that is needs greater than the local capacity to provide them. There is — for example — a abundance of milk available and always will be, but it is price that is misinterpreted as sustainability. The present electrical co-op price is a clear answer as to whether you will have a cheaper commodity if locally generated. Ask yourself: Why are the stateside coconut milk products mainly from Thailand? It is primarily the price of labor and the land value.
Sustainability does includes the certainty of a product being available at a price the user can afford. In this regard, never has a company like Hawaii Dairy Farms promised so much at the true benefit of a few Kauai residents. One of the few clear statements HDF has made is the price for milk will be the same.
On the other hand, the risk to this fragile island of loss is so extreme as to be uncalculated. Tourism loss, property damage, property depreciation, ecological scaring of irreplaceable natural assets, health issues, and the certain vulnerability and failure at the first serious rain event or hurricane should deter any sensible business owner from this HDF project.
Ronald John
Salt Lake City, Utah
Night games better for players’ health
During a KIF game in the daytime one of the players suffered from heat exhaustion. Our athletes play hard in their full football gear in the sun. When will we be able to see KIF games played at night again? Maybe after a death of a player in full football gear in the hot sun occurs from heat exhaustion and dehydration.
Wasn’t the protective lights for the shearwaters completely installed about a year ago?
What about it, Mayor Carvalho? Let the games be played at night in our stadiums.
Howard Tolbe
Another view on ‘living wage’
To Mr. Kip Goodwin:. Your letter (TGI, Sept. 17), concerning a “living wage” was missing a key element — the amount. As a resident of Kauai for over 35 years, I feel as qualified as any to give attention to this matter.
Rent for a family of four $2,300, food $1,200, transportation $800, insurance $500, taxes $1,800, utilities $300, medical $300, saving for higher education $500, recreation $300. Let’s see, in total about $8,000/month.
Upon due consideration it is my assessment that $50 per hour would be a proper starting point. I emphasize starting point, because local inflation created by this “living wage” would need to be a be addressed often. I can envision that in but only a few years $75 per hour or higher would be only fair.
I was going to also address a concern that such an increase might have a negative effect on employment and business, here. However, you have already put that concern to rest by addressing San Francisco and Seattle as proof that minimum wage increases have enhanced employment there. By that logic, a $50 minimum could only produce full and happy employment here on Kauai.
Thank you Kip, for your thoughts and I am pleased be able to supply the missing element to your letter.
Russell Boyer