Letter for Jan. 3, 2015 FDA corruption — the dialogue continues In response to Will M. Davis’s letter of Dec. 31, “FDA corruption deserves community forum,” I think it’s high time that we the people acknowledge that the biotech companies
Letter for Jan. 3, 2015
FDA corruption — the dialogue continues
In response to Will M. Davis’s letter of Dec. 31, “FDA corruption deserves community forum,” I think it’s high time that we the people acknowledge that the biotech companies know that their products are harmful to humans and they know that we know that they know. The multinational powers that drive the GE food agenda are bigger than our regulatory agencies and our governments. Biotech companies that engineer food (life) as well as defoliants that used in warfare (death) are involved in eugenics plain and simple. When the powers that be want to nourish selected groups within the herd (we the people are the herd), the food will be engineered to nourish and distributed to those regions where the human targets live. When they want to reduce the herd the food will be engineered to be devoid of nourishment and possibly even to induce illness which will be treated by the products of pharmaceutical industrial complex and distributed to the regions where those human targets live. Do not misunderstand the vantage point of these decision makers. That is exactly the level of power they have and exactly the way that they view “we the people.” These decision makers are not your uncle or sister who want you and your children to grow up strong and healthy.
What can we then do? First we have to acknowledge that we the people have already been socially engineered to be disempowered, passive, order takers. We are well fed and well entertained, and these two factors are major reasons that so many of us sit on our butts, happily brainwashed in front of the TV, eating GM chips and do nothing. Since birth, we have been entertained to obey the law and be good citizens, while those at much higher levels of power have the freedom to be good or evil and harvest profits of the various industrial complexes that commercialize every aspect of the human experience. The eugenics programs are complex and multifaceted and engineering the food supply is just one aspect of it. The new “food” is not introduced into society in any way that startles us. It is just a quiet replacement of ingredients in various corporate products from one day to the next. The illnesses that ensue are “battled” by the pharmaceutical industry and new “treatments or cures” are found. Can you see the racket?
Human nature is just as culpable in this dynamic. Too many of us are lazy and passive and willing to “drink the Kool-Aid” because it’s there, it tastes good and it’s easy.
But passive people who care can still practice a form of passive resistance. Here is what I do as an example. In my profession, I provide services to many types of companies. When companies whose ethics or agendas I deem to be egregiously immoral seek my services, I say no. All of these corporations rely on vendors who provide them with materials and services so they can run their businesses. On an individual level, refusing to offer them a desired product or service is a type of boycott that I can control.
I would be interested in knowing what direct action others can think of, as these multinationals do not give a hoot about our cardboard signs or scientific studies that are independent of their bought-and-paid for studies. If a community forum is organized, I’d be interested in attending.
Krisztina Samu