Letters for Feb. 24, 2016 Plenty of bombs, but not enough water? We’re running out of fresh water. On Kauai. Thank you, Eileen Kechloian (TGI Forum, Feb. 23). We’re told the North Koreans are the biggest threat around. Fear them.
Letters for Feb. 24, 2016
Plenty of bombs, but not enough water?
We’re running out of fresh water. On Kauai. Thank you, Eileen Kechloian (TGI Forum, Feb. 23).
We’re told the North Koreans are the biggest threat around. Fear them. They’ve sent off rockets and, do you know, there are people in North Korea who do not have electric power?
We have the mightiest military power in the world. Fear us. We send off rockets and, do you know, we have people in America who don’t have fresh water?
Lack of light bulbs trumps — no pun intended — fresh water on the chart?
Bettejo Dux
On Trump, Republicans and war
Really, Donald Trump? He is a businessman, a guy who was born on third base and brags about hitting a triple. He just spews out platitudes based on hate and fear. He will make Mexico pay for a 12-foot wall that they will finance by selling 13-foot ladders. Actually, the influx of Central Americans has decreased, due to our poor economy.
I read in the letter and editorial pages of people complaining about our so called poor County Council and poorly maintained roads. Everyone wants to lower taxes, but only council person Yukimura had the honesty to say it will cost one hundred million dollars. Regardless if we opt to have a mayor or manager, we will still have to raise the money. The mayor or manager will not come with it. It will have to come from the taxpayers.
Getting back to the Republicans: Have you listened to the debates? They are all going to lower taxes, increase military spending, defeat ISIS and never say where the money will come from.
Only Bernie Sanders stated how he will raise the money for his programs: eliminate the ceiling on Social Security withholding tax, make Wall Street accountable for their greed, eliminate off shore tax free bank accounts, have all pay their fair share in our lopsided socio-economic system and have the wealthy middle eastern nations take far more responsibility in their own affairs.
I am sick and tired of being in a constant state of warfare. We are depleting our resources, human and monetary, in fighting these middle eastern wars that we have no business being in. That is the one thing I agree with Ron and Rand Paul on. President Eisenhower rebuilt the infrastructure of our country during his administration, but we had the highest tax rate ever and the economy flourished, creating the largest middle class this nation has ever seen. When he left office, he said the greatest thing the country had to fear was a growing military industrial complex.
Chester Mazurowski