Every time I blog about Donald Trump I lose a friend on Facebook and at times even in real life. I find it very “Trump-fulling.” (The act of losing friends, because you may endorse Donald J. Trump). I just made
Every time I blog about Donald Trump I lose a friend on Facebook and at times even in real life. I find it very “Trump-fulling.” (The act of losing friends, because you may endorse Donald J. Trump). I just made that word up!
With over 1,300 friends on Facebook I have been trying to downsize for quite awhile. Being a Trump supporter has made downsizing quite easy.
I enjoy meat — however I have many vegan friends. I am heterosexual — however have gay friends. I am a God fearing individual — yet have agnostic and atheist friends. It seems you cannot be a Donald Trump supporter and have Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton friends, not because Trump supporters don’t want to be friends, but because the Sanders and Clinton people are not the peace lovers they claim to be?
Who will be next to either not talk to me or un-friend me because my opinion may be different from yours?
My friend Christine Muscarella Frost recently shared a thread on her Facebook timeline that is pretty much a sign of the times;
Chris has given permission to share her thread below:
“I can’t wait until this election is over and done with. I’m so tired of seeing the HATRED posts that FB friends keep posting. Do you know if you don’t like one or more of the people trying to get nominated by their party, all you’re doing is keeping them in the limelight and drawing attention to them?! And yes, I do scroll past these hate posts, but it makes going on FB to see fun stuff challenging” Rant over.
Me: ”So ironic that the peace generation, our generation is spilling these hateful memes instead of positive memes about their own candidate.”
Chris: ”I agree 100 percent. Maybe that’s why it’s really getting under my skin and driving me crazy? Some days that’s all I feel like I see on FB and hear on the news.”
I have never seen so much hate directed at one political candidate, that of Donald J. Trump. The strangest part is much of the hate is being driven by an aged peace freak generation of the Vietnam War protest generation.
Why so much hate from a group in their youth that wanted nothing more than peace? My opinion, old age, dementia and drugs have taking their toll on many in my generation.
Why the lack of respect for the U.S. citizens voting for Trump? I on the other hand respect those voting for Hillary, Bernie, Cruz or any other, after all this is America. The tolerant liberal is always the most intolerant of other’s views!
The Trump haters are sick of reading, seeing and hearing about Trump, yet continue to post anti-Trump hate on their social media posts. Giving Trump exactly what he wants, more publicity. Doesn’t anyone get it. This is exactly what Trump wants! He’s playing right into his haters and supporters, go figure! Donald Trump really is a marketing genius.
May God, Darwin or whomever you pray to, bless America in this time of need. I really hope it’s God, however I still respect you if it’s Darwin — because I’m not like the others whom don’t respect others for not thinking like them.
This election thus far has been very Trump-fulling for me. Who wants to hop on board, potentially lose some friends, in the meantime, “Making America Great again!”
On a positive note, this past Easter Sunday Ivanka Trump, The Donald’s Orthodox Jewish daughter, gave birth to a baby boy named Theodore James Kushner.
Many are saying that Trump intentionally planned for his daughter to have a baby during this pressure-cooker filled week to help the undecided voters. After all, who doesn’t love babies?
Mazol Tov to Ivanka Trump Kushner on the birth of her baby boy! A special Bris will follow in eight days. The Bris is a special ceremony for the circumcision of Jewish boys.
Since I am Jewish, someone asked me if it hurts? My reply, I couldn’t walk for a year!
James “Kimo” Rosen is a resident of Kapaa.