LIHUE — Five Kauai Police Department officers were named employees of the month at a police commission meeting Friday. Waimea district police officers Richard Brow, Vernon Scribner, George Laccone, Mark Stulpe and Darin Irimata were nominated by KPD detective Anthony
LIHUE — Five Kauai Police Department officers were named employees of the month at a police commission meeting Friday.
Waimea district police officers Richard Brow, Vernon Scribner, George Laccone, Mark Stulpe and Darin Irimata were nominated by KPD detective Anthony Morita. All five were named employees of the month for May for their role in locating a missing bicyclist near Omao Stream off Kaumualii Highway on March 12. Soon after, it was reported to the Waimea dispatch station.
“Because of the climate of how the public views police, very few times we see the warm and fuzzy stories,” said Charles Iona, police commission chair. “This is one of your times your diligence paid off.”
The bicyclist, an elderly visitor, became lost and could not make contact with anyone after discovering his cell phone had fallen out of his backpack, according to a statement.
The officers accessed the visitor’s cell phone tracking information and located him in a dark and heavily wooded area. He sustained minor injuries.
“While the outcome on this one turned out great, we may never know the final outcome if this elderly person wasn’t located,” Perry said. “Thank you very much.”
Officer Irimata received the Officer of the Month award twice in 2012 for separate incidents.
George Laccone received the Officer of the Month award twice in 2013 for separate incidents.
Vernon Scribner, who at the time was a safety officer, was awarded by the chief and commission in 2014 for his efforts in traffic safety/enforcement.