You knew it was football because Freddy Levinthol was there with his water wagon (he said it has no hose taste to the water). He was thrilled to see Ka‘ikea Tandal, the Kauai Youth Football phenom who picked up all
You knew it was football because Freddy Levinthol was there with his water wagon (he said it has no hose taste to the water). He was thrilled to see Ka‘ikea Tandal, the Kauai Youth Football phenom who picked up all kinds of yardage during its spring season.
Kudos to Lenny Rapozo and Mayor Bernard Carvalho, Jr. for making this a reality for the nearly 400 young people who came to see UH head football coach Nick Rolovich (he said Kauai is the only county who picked up on the clinic offer) and his coaching staff at Vidinha Stadium and the football clinic.
Kudos to the county’s Department of Parks and Recreation, too, for creating the super field trip outing for the nearly 800 young people in the Summer Fun program. U.S. Marine Corps corporal Rogelio Robles (he’s from San Diego) said the Marines participating in Tropic Care Kauai pulled their people from the medical supply line to give the kids talks on the military gear they use on their missions. Mark Jeffers (he didn’t mention a thing about this Saturday at his Father’s Day program) had his Hawaiian monk seals out, and who was doing the hip hop thing at the Elsie Wilcox Elementary School cafeteria?
Dennis Fujimoto can be reached at 245-0453 or at