Award winning art named at Kauai Society of Artists gallery

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Artist Joan Luzney showed off her “Kauai Twigs” watercolor and pencil piece that was one of two purchased by the Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts from Art Kauai 2024 at the Kauai Society of Artists gallery at Kukui Grove.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Art Kauai 2024 Juror Noe Tanigawa stood with the Wayne Zebzda “Cell Division” on Friday, Sept. 13, 2024, at the Kauai Society of Artists exhibit’s opening day at the KSA gallery at Kukui Grove. Zebzda’s work was presented the $500 3D Award Excellence Award sponsored by SG Builders.

LIHUE — The collaborative efforts of artists Sally French and Samuel Schryver earned the non-cash Invitation Award from the Kauai Society of Artists Art Kauai 2024 that opened on Friday with an artists reception at the KSA gallery located at Kukui Grove Center.