Kaua‘i, Waimea top sharpshooters at Island School range

Dennis Fujimoto /The Garden Island

The Kaua‘i High School girls team prepares to move their weapons to the firing line during the Kaua‘i Interscholastic Federation air riflery matches held at the Island School range on Saturday, Sept. 30, 2023.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Kaua‘i High School shooter Jacob Andres, the Raiders’ best round of the day, readies his weapon for firing in the prone position during the Kaua‘i Interscholastic Federation air riflery matches at the Island School range on Saturday, Sept. 30, 2023.

PUHI — Kaua‘i High School and Waimea High School air riflery teams won their respective series on Saturday, Sept. 30, during the Kaua‘i Interscholastic Federation air rifle matches held at the Island School range.