More COVID information needed in paper
More COVID information needed in paper
Lucky we live Kaua‘i, where we do have so much in the way of full disclosure when it comes to our COVID numbers and contact tracing locales on our County of Kaua‘i page on Facebook with this seemingly never-ending virus. Here comes the but.
However, every single day on that page there is the same exact question repeated multiple times daily, no doubt from our 20% to 25% of anti-vaxxers, as to how many of those in the hospital are vaccinated versus nonvaccinated, along with how many are residents versus tourists.
I actually take the time to read the specs so I know that roughly 90% to 95% of those hospitalized from COVID are not vaccinated. I also read and see that most of them are residents. It would be very helpful if our local paper would print out an editorial article stating this information.
As they say, knowledge is power, so let’s get this information out there, please. Mahalo.
Petrina Blakely, Kapa‘a