LIHU‘E — There was a line of people waiting patiently Sunday outside the doors to Rose’s Pinoy Favorites at Kukui Grove Center for the shop’s grand opening.
According to parameters determined by the COVID-19, Rose’s Pinoy Favorites could only let in six people at a time, all required to have masks on.
The potential shoppers were patient, indulging in conversation in small, loosely formed groups, or engaging in activities with the Kaua‘i Filipino Chamber of Commerce that established tables for its scholarship fundraising through the sale of Mama Lucy’s plate lunches, and the chamber membership drive.
“We are not doing the golf tournament this year,” said Cyndi Ayonon, the chamber Scholarship Committee chair. “We didn’t have it last year because of the pandemic, but the Mama Lucy plate lunch fundraiser did so well we were able to provide scholarships to 10 deserving high school graduates. Most people don’t just buy a single ticket (for a single plate lunch), they get several to feed the family. It’s really a bargain when you think about the prices at restaurants.”
Rose’s Pinoy Favorites with Frisco and Rose Garabillo offers a variety of Filipino foods, breads and pastries, beverages, snacks, “Instant” or dried foods, canned goods, condiments, and health and beauty products.
“Most of these are pretty good,” said Bradford Ka‘eo, manning the chamber table, where Janice Bond was trying to figure out what she purchased based on the package’s photo. “I got to try these when I was in the Philippines with the military for a few years. They’re pretty good.”
Rose’s is open seven days a week, Monday to Thursday from 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., Friday 9 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
“We have kupuna days, too,” Rose said. “Tuesday is when all kupuna age 50 and older get a 10 percent discount on their purchases for the day.”
Rose’s Pinoy Favorites has been open since the Kukui Grove’s Back to School Bash, July 24 where the Rose’s ‘ohana teased shoppers with samples in anticipation of opening its doors.
“We used to be at WB’s restaurant,” Rose Garabillo said. “The restaurant will take over what we had there. I’m now here at the Kukui Grove Center all the time.”
Shoppers have the month of August to sign up for the grand-opening giveaway that will be announced at month’s end.
w Info: 808-631-7925,
Dennis Fujimoto, staff writer and photographer, can be reached at 245-0453 or