This letter is in response to someone who believed President Trump was a racist, liar and fooled the Christian community. “Donald Trump is and was a poison to our country, and fooled the Christian base with lies and deceptions! Jesus would never use such a man to promote his gospel. Yes, he helped get some things accomplished, so take it and run and not promote this man or his agenda of hate, lies and racism. We are to be examples of Christ’s message, not this mockery of Christ’s words!”
My response: I don’t believe Trump was “a poison to our country and fooled” anyone, let alone the Christian base. Perhaps you’re speaking of yourself as being fooled. That isn’t intended to be an unkind remark. I don’t know you and perhaps you were “fooled.” God has used world leaders since the beginning of time to “promote his gospel.” He used two Egyptian pharaohs, Thotmes II (Moses’s years 1-40 app.) and Thotmes III (Moses’s years 40-80+). God used the judges, King Saul, King David, King Solomon, and when the Israelites were taken into captivity, Nebuchadnezzar. Herod definitely was used, along with the Caesars, and especially General Titus in 70 AD regarding the prophesied dispersal of the Jews.
On Nov. 8, 2016, we elected President Trump, not a pope or pastor. Candidate Trump made promises that he would support life (against abortion), lower taxes, relocate the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, reduce regulations, build the Keystone pipeline, rebuild the wall between Mexico and the U.S. (Mexico didn’t cut a check to the U.S. but paid dearly economically in protecting their side of the border and loss of economic business), change economic relations with other nations, especially China, and use tariffs to bring back a normalcy to unfair trade practices, ended NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and created a more fair and just trade agreement with Canada and Mexico (United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement), met with Kim Jong Un and bridled North Korea’s ICBM missle project, founded the U.S. Space Force, ended our relationship with the Paris climate accord, brought back manufacturing to the U.S., making America first versus globalism.
The result was the lowest U.S. unemployment we’ve seen in over 50 years, since 1969. Trump increased Hispanic, Black and Asian employment. He brought the majority of our troops back home without starting one senseless war. When was the last time you heard of ISIS? He solved that problem also, as promised. He ended the Iranian/U.S. nuclear agreement and killed the No. 2 Iranian leader, Abu Mohammed al-Masri, who personally organized attacks against our U.S. embassies and killed U.S. troops in the Middle East.
President Trump spoke in what many consider a crude manner (personally, I liked his candid expressions), yet was transparent in all his dealings. He brought the press into his cabinet meetings on live TV. He spoke to and answered the press’s questions more than the last three administrations combined, 24 years.
Oh, and I almost forgot, not just one vaccine but two vaccines being created to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and being administered through the state governments before the end of his administration. Who lied when they said Trump couldn’t do that?
Was he perfect? You and I know he wasn’t. Just ask his wife Melania, who I believe was not only the most beautiful first lady in quite some time, but the most elegant and accomplished first lady without grabbing onto her husband’s limelight.
Was he a liar and a racist? Hardly. If you want to accuse a president of lying, perhaps you should consider “read my lips” George H.W. Bush, “I did not have sexual relations” Bill Clinton and “If you like your health care and your doctor, you can keep” Barack Hussein Obama first.
Trump had more women and minorities in his cabinet than previous presidents. His eldest daughter, Ivanka Trump, married a Jew, Jared Kushner, and converted to the Jewish faith. Who led the way in creating three peace agreements with Muslim countries and Israel in less than a year? President Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner.
I firmly believe the only way to beat Trump in his bid for reelection in 2020 was to cheat; and cheat they did. As was said of the 1960 presidential election, “you cheated fair and square.”
We now have President Joe Biden and VP Kamala Harris in the White House. What did candidate Joe Biden promise? The only thing he promised was that he wouldn’t be Trump. I firmly believe he’ll accomplish that promise. It is what it is.
Republicans and conservative independents need to get to work. I hope you will join us in electing conservative Republicans and independents to political office, not to an ecclesiastical office.
Steve Yoder is a resident of Wailua Homesteads and chair of the Republican Party on Kaua‘i.
Good lord, no wonder the Republican party is in such disarray, with deluded individuals such as yourself running it.
Most of your boy’s so-called accomplishments were in fact disaster upon disaster: the China “trade war:” a tax on American consumers which necessitated a massive bailout for farmers; the trashing of alliances in Europe won and paid for with the blood of our fathers, support for Putin and dictators around the world, a laughably useless few miles of vanity-project wall built with funds meant for military families, a nuclear-reckless pullout from the JCPOA, then the Climate Accords nearly every nation on earth had signed on to; pulling out from the WHO (mid-pandemic!), ceding decades of hegemony in Asia to China by nixing the TPP, firing scientists at the EPA and ending hard-won environmental achievements, on and on, but perhaps the worst: 2.3 TRILLION in un-funded tax cuts for the richest 1%, to be paid back (to China) by our children and their children—all to goose the economy with a short-term sugar-high designed to get himself re-elected…which in the end he screwed up by denying and then mishandling and politicizing the pandemic, which tanked an entire economy, put millions out of work and killed thousands of businesses (mine included)…and likely 600,000 American citizens before it’s over. But, yeah his trophy wife looks good..,although that’s debatable. Mr Yoder, when will you enablers and apologists for Trump stand up and own the criminal ineptitude of this man you make excuses for, and take some responsibility for the historic, deadly, criminal insurrection he incited to try to overturn the election and will of the majority in order to stay in power? This towering figure of a man, who tried every dirty trick he’d ever learned to avoid facing the prosecutors that await him, and to continue to grift from his gullible minions, will stand toe to toe in a pantheon of outsize national figures—right next to the likes of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Jonathan Pollard, Aldrich Ames and Benedict Arnold.
I guess the Trump Kool-Aid was so strong it even got to the local boys far into the hinter provinces, thousands of miles from the scene of the crimes. Yes friends, even here in the Land of Aloha Steve Yoder & Co. swallowed the Big Lie. What is it about Trump’s loss you guys can’t fathom? You “firmly believe the only way to beat Trump” was to cheat?—because you’re willfully blind to the con the majority in this country saw. They saw it in 2016 too, but for the electoral college, an outmoded sop to slave states the current crop of white nationalists hang onto in order to win, like gerrymandering and vote-suppression and all manner of table-tilting Republicans like Steve endorse. But this was the year Trump’s lies were caught up with—by the 7 million or so majority who swept this cowardly, malignant buffoon from office.
There’s obviously no end to the Trump boot licking from Republicans. They praise Trump even after he attempted a violent insurrection against the government of the United States in his depraved and craven attempt to stay in power. People were killed in Trump’s effort, yet that’s perfectly fine for Mr. Yoder.
It should be obvious to anyone reading Mr. Yoders’s disgraceful defense of Trump that Republicans have fallen clearly on the wrong side of history. Normally, people who are lickspittles for psychopaths feel some remorse or embarrassment. But not the Hawai’i Republican Party! They double down no matter the corruption, violence and death caused directly by Trump’s criminal actions. This again validates the need to vote the Republican Party completely out of existence.
Is this the same Steve Yoder who, when interviewed as a candidate by Civil Beat and asked about climate change, said he doesn’t believe in climate change because the ocean levels today seem the same as when he went swimming as a kid?
Steve, you said you like Trump’s candid expressions. Did you like this one?:
“I moved on her actually, she was down in Palm Beach and I failed. I’ll admit it. I did try to **** her, she was married … and I moved on her very heavily”
Or this?
“I just start kissing them, it’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything”
I don’t know how you can look yourself in the mirror to support such an abusive person.
You forgot about a lot of things. Covid deaths top 400,000. An insurrection and storming the capital with multiple deaths. Endless lies, sometimes just for the sake of lying. Destruction of our environment so that mega-corporations can profit. Pardons of his friends and supporters. Tax break for billionaires and corporations. Increased national debt dramatically. And on and on. There is a reason he was only a 1 term president, who, by the way, continues to spread lies about how the election was stolen from him without any evidence. Impeached twice. Those are not the kind of accomplishments a president would want. He will go down as the worst president in US history. Nice try.
You cannot argue successfully with a mentally sick man. Trump is such a man and so are you, Steve Yoder. Also the Republican sycophants who sucked up to the authoritarian.
Melania, the most beautiful and accomplished first lady in quite some time? How did you miss that lovely black lady named Michele? You prefer a painted immigrant? Oh boy…
In regard to part of Steve Yoder’s letter to the editor on Sunday, Jan 24th, Mr Yoder wrote, “I firmly believe the only way to beat Trump in his bid for reelection in 2020 was to cheat; and cheat they did”. I firmly believe it’s time for people who feel that way to provide some kind of tangible proof to back up their statements. In the face of overwhelming evidence from election officials, judges, (many of whom were Republicans) and the debunking of multiple conspiracy theories, Trump supporters have continued to “play the “cheating’ card”. WHERE’S THE PROOF? All this ranting has done nothing but continue to fuel the fantasies of fanatics who can’t quite grasp that TRUMP LOST, fair and square.
One other thing, now that the election’s over, please take responsibility for getting rid of the remains of the TRUMP sign by the side of the highway in Kapaa.
Bill Parker
Ok Steve. Try understanding facts, not propaganda. Too much garbage to respond to. Gosh get real brah.
Mr. Yoder,
I’m not going to rehash all the pros and cons regarding the accomplishments of Donald Trump.
There has been more than sufficient time and energy expended on that subject. It’s exhausting. We have far more urgent situations to deal with.
I was however; interested in your references to the Republican party. For all intents and purposes; there is no longer a Republican party. It has morphed into the modern right-wing Populist movement. You may soon be looking for a new chair position.
So one last accomplishment of note for Mr. Trump. He was successful in driving the final nail into the Republican party’s coffin.
Mr. Yoder…it’s like I commented to Barry Dittlers letter… sometimes author letters can be considered as being 50% or more when it comes to showing their part of what causes the division in this country. I respect your opinion, but not the timing of it. We could easily cut the division on this island by respecting everyone including the commenters your are going to hear from . Just a visual opinion..
mAhalo Steve! Those of us who know, know without a shadow of doubt, mostly that Kauai as well as every Moku throughout Hawaii-nei has stepped into and wallows in the kukai lua; some examples include, loop road, blue hole, polihale, cocopalms, oops incoming not a drill, NASA, Direct Energy Weapon tour helicopter crash, USAF “settles” at PMRF, upgrade ballistic missile $1.2 billion 12-story launch-intercept facility, and not limited to ancient Bell Stones sold to a Mormon leader from the gated Wailua Heiau that now sit in the riverside TVR yard, small crossing Kuamoo. The Pukes of Polito-Judiciaro-military mimics the D.C. activities hook, line, and “cut bait” sinker! Those that have been paying attention to six plus decades, old dogs levying the tricks of their trade, mob forces that continue to prevail on lies, where the “is what it is” continues their illegal activities, fraud, collusion, murder, “set-up” federal incarceration that the P.A. hides, then covers up these same circus clowns criminality, not limited to the tip of the iceburg “power couple” or DLNR/fake state, senate, house, lawyers, police, and highly undereducated as we glance a look at the ‘windows to their souls’ that continue to manifest pure evil. The slithering snakes pussy-footing that laugh and talk about conspiracy! The more we have said No the more these Narcissists have said Go. Read KPD BLUE, SUPERFERRY CHRONICLES, The Fifth Seal by Benish, Overthrow by Kinzer and check in to or support HKGA! The military experiences and life lived on Kauai has grown weak! Too many that love their pizza Parler along with Z DUMBS compound stolen acres and kuleana courthouse sales. It is endless what the maneuvers have shown. money talks and BS walks!
Whatever you tried to say is unintelligible.Next time, try breaking it down into related events or concepts, separated into sentences that are not 7 -13 lines long.
….”slithering snakes pussy-footing that laugh and talk” : please proofread what you write before posting. I don’t think you were trying to be amusing.
truth spoken, can’t wait to hear what Gary Hoooser and the Communist Party has to say.
Great article Steve! It’s uplifting to see all truth about POTUS Trump, he is the best President ever!! I pray for justice to we the people of the US. Truth and God always wins!! 🙏🇺🇸🙌
What is your favorite Kool Aide flavor? Grape is tasty, as is strawberry.
Hey Yoder, You have not one tiny shred of evidence of cheating or that trump won or of widespread fraud, so that was the biggest and perhaps the last BIG LIE from the LORD OF THE LIES (20,000+ documented). He also promised and didn’t do:
Term limits for Congress, change the name of Mount Denali back to Mount McKinley, expel all Syrian refugees, balance the federal budget ‘fairly quickly’ (LOL), ban on Muslims entering the U.S., he would not take vacations (LOL), lifetime ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections, create targeted child care tax credits, cut the number of tax brackets, eliminate the estate tax, end the alternative minimum tax, release his tax returns if an audit allows, sue all Twenty-six women that have accused Trump of sexual misconduct, including groping and rape, create private White House veterans hotline, Alternative Healthcare plan, individuals to deduct health care insurance premiums from taxes, expel China from the World Trade Organization, eliminate Common Core, triple ICE enforcement, remove all undocumented immigrants, end birthright citizenship, build a wall and make Mexico pay for it, grow the economy by 4% a year, federal investment of $20 billion toward School Choice, cancel all funding of sanctuary cities, rebuild the Marine Corps to 36 battalions, invest $550 billion in infrastructure and create an infrastructure fund, hiring freeze on federal employees, bring back manufacturing, ppoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton, and quite a few more!
We know trump was a dangerous narcissist, we know he had no empathy, he had no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, no compassion, no wit, no warmth, no wisdom, no subtlety, no sensitivity, no self-awareness, no humility, no honor, no grace, and committed an act of sedition going out the door!
Separation of Church and State is not just some lofty notion……
The confusion is apparent in the written rebuttal and only has made the “swamp” more difficult to exit than ever…. IMHO I Chose a political party for the moral integrity and personal accountability of it’s members.
Consider challenging the 2 Private Parties and support Organizations that pool ideas that actually work for the majority.