Get vaccinated
Late last week my wife and I had our first COVID-19 vaccination injection at Wilcox Medical Center within two to three minutes of our scheduled appointment time. We were most impressed with the smooth efficiency of the whole operation despite staff having to deal with large numbers of kupuna of varied cognitive levels and mobility.
The nurses and assistants were also universally polite, friendly and very professional.
Our congratulations and thanks to all concerned.
The injection didn’t hurt at all, and we only had slight tenderness for a couple of days.
If you have the opportunity, GET VACCINATED. You owe it to yourselves and your community.
David Collison, Po‘ipu
Constitution purpose is pretty clear
Republicans talk about the Constitution like they know what’s in it. They don’t. Most think the Constitution explicitly demands implementation of their political agenda, things like tax breaks for the rich, freedom from masks, special policing for minority areas and keeping immigrants out of the country. It doesn’t.
There are some things in the Republican platform that the Constitution does speak to, like religious freedom, freedom in the economy (but not a green light to oppress the poor), limited taxation, limited government and fiscal responsibility. But Republicans haven’t been doing very well with all of this. They are better at talking about freedom than actually providing for it.
The Constitution’s chief aim is to specify who makes the laws and how and when they are to be made. It says the people of the states make most of the laws, and Congress makes some of them, all through their elected representatives. The president and the governors are supposed to implement the laws, not dream them up on a bad-hair day and force them on the people.
If it’s any consolation, most Democrats don’t know what’s in the Constitution, either. During the next four years it will be the pleasure of writers like myself to point out a few things about them, too.
Kimball Shinkoskey, Woods Cross, Utah
‘Ele‘ele Public Park needs attention
‘Ele‘ele Public Park is well-used during the day to sunset. There is a basketball court, some play things for the young children, such as swing set and a slide. There is also a cement path that runs along the perimeter of the park. Lots of people (young and old) get there exercise walking and jogging on the path.
However, there are a lot of users in the early evening using the path too, which makes it unsafe without the proper lighting. Maybe the county/state should consider installing some posts with solar lights that would light up for a few hours after dark to early morning to keep the park and walk/run path safe for night users. The lights will also keep home owners safe from people entering their property at dark times.
Also, around the north and east perimeter there are some koa seed bush and tall grass that could be cut/killed. These areas around the perimeter pose as a place homeless could settle in.
Mayor Kawakami, please consider what’s said above and mahalo in advance.
Howard Tolbe, ‘Ele‘ele