In the face of the confusion, turmoil and frustrations of COVID-19, Florovale Bandala (he said people have a hard time saying his name so he settles for “Vale” on his name plate) donned his gloves and spray bottle of disinfecting sanitizer to clean the touch points at the Lihu‘e Pizza Hut for customers waiting on their pickup orders (only one allowed in at a time to the counter) Saturday while he waited for his delivery assignment.
In the face of the confusion, turmoil and frustrations of COVID-19, Florovale Bandala (he said people have a hard time saying his name so he settles for “Vale” on his name plate) donned his gloves and spray bottle of disinfecting sanitizer to clean the touch points at the Lihu‘e Pizza Hut for customers waiting on their pickup orders (only one allowed in at a time to the counter) Saturday while he waited for his delivery assignment.
Vale, like the many others who do the simple things that give people reassurance and a smile, represents the face of new heroes emerging in the world of the virus that has created many doors of uncertainty. Have you thanked yours today?
Mahalo, Vale, and all the other heroes who make waiting in line a bit more pleasant. And, as we enter Holy Week (how strange to do church via the Internet and social media), congratulations to Valerie Kaneshiro on becoming “grandma” to more than two dozen squealers. Was Sandi Kato-Klutke there?
Mahalo to Carolynn Lum on those links (see how important those telecommunication people are?) for making fabric face masks (Mayor Derek Kawakami simply upcycled a T-shirt), and Cynthia Chiang is thinking of using bon-dance towels as fabric face masks to lament the loss of this year’s bon dance season (are we losing the Samuel Mahelona Memorial Hospital and Kaua‘i Veterans Memorial Hospital ones, Josie Pablo?).
“This is the time for us to pull together and to lift each other up,” said Kahu Kawika of the All Saints Episcopal Church and Preschool in Kapa‘a during his March 20 message via the church’s website.
“Remember, we haven’t stopped being the church; we’ve only stopped meeting in person for the time being,” said Pastor John Carr of Lihu‘e Christian Church, again, through his Pastor’s Pen on the church’s website.
Dennis Fujimoto, staff writer and photographer, can be reached at 245-0453 or
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