‘NexGen’ shines at guitar festival

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Heu‘i Bandmann, center, congratulates her students, including Ginger Kamalei Hilliard holding her gifted steel guitar, and Ki‘ileiah Jeffries for a shining performance Friday during the Kaua‘i Steel Guitar Festival at the Sheraton Kaua‘i at Coconut Beach in Waipouli.

Dennis Fujimoto / The Garden Island

Heu‘i Bandmann, center, is accompanied by her students Ki‘ileiah Jeffries, left, and Ginger Kamalei Hilliard, right, on stage Friday during the Fifth annual Kaua‘i Steel Guitar Festival at the Sheraton Kaua‘i at Coconut Beach in Waipouli.

Alan Akaka, director of Ke Kula Mele School of Hawaiian Music, described the young people as “NexGen” Friday during the Fifth annual Kaua‘i Steel Guitar Festival that opened at the Sheraton Kaua‘i at Coconut Beach.