HANAPEPE — A variety of Mindfulness and Meditation methods from different schools and movements can result in beneficial intellectual function and associated structures of the brain, said Dr. Harold Hall, a practitioner of qigong and zazen, and a member of Daifukuji Soto Mission on the Big Island.
These integrated methods include zazen, walking meditation, Zhineng qigong, compassion therapy, and meditations from the Dalai Lama’s “Book of Joy,” published in 2018, as well as interventions from cognitive behavioral therapy, and neuropsychological rehabilitation.
Hall, a neuropsychologist and the director of the Pacific Institute of Kamuela, Hawaii, will partner with the Kauai Soto Zen Temple in Hanapepe to present a half-day workshop on the contributions of neuroscience and psychology to the Buddhist practice of mindfulness and meditation.
Abbess Hosen Ranger of the Bodhi Manda Zen Center in Jemez Springs, New Mexico will lead the zen meditation sessions.
“We want to encourage the general public, especially lay people with little, or no experience who may have thought about meditation,” said Gerald Hirata, president of the Kauai Soto Zen Temple. “The workshop that will take place March 14 at the Kauai Soto Zen Temple provides scientific data that will help them appreciate and understand the benefits.”
Hirata said although the target market is the general public, there is an entire segment of the community, health professionals, counselors, and instructors who may teach yoga, tai chi, biofeedback, and other stress management practices that may need to plan and schedule their time to attend the half-day workshop.
The seminar will be held on March 14 with registration starting at 10 a.m., and the workshop running from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be a light vegetarian lunch served.
“We want to reach and accommodate as many people as we can,” Hirata said.
There is a deadline of March 10 to register. Registration forms and more workshop information are available through email at kauaisotozen@gmail.com. The information and forms can also be downloaded through the church’s website at kauaisotozen.org.
The suggested donation is $35 per person. A discounted rate is available for senior citizens over 65 years old, students, and special needs categories. Fees are used to cover the cost of the workshop materials.
Hirata said the workshop is open to the public and anyone who is interested in learning about mindfulness and meditation.
“Beginning and advanced practitioners of meditation, yoga, tai chi, biofeedback, and other stress management practices may benefit,” Hirata said. “Other spiritual traditions, Buddhists, non-Buddhists, and health professionals, including psychologists, social workers, marriage and family therappists, nurses, mental health counselors, professionals working with brain-injured clients, caretaker-client dyads will find it useful and informative.”
Continuing Education credits of 4.5 hours will be listed on the individual certificates that will be awarded by the Pacific Institute for all participants who attend the workshop in its entirety.
Info: Gerald Hirata 346-4650, or email kauaisotozen@gmail.com, Dr. Harold Hall (808) 315-7314, or email pisca88@icloud.com.