Happy Camper for Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Abby and Frank Santos of No Ka Oi Landscape Services, center, are joined by some of the firm’s associates in celebrating Abby’s birthday (it’s also Rizal Day!), Monday afternoon at The Shops at Kukuiula.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Yukari Kimata, Reiko Klimaat, and Sakura Ito are among Masa Tsunekawa’s family who came from Japan to enjoy a Kauai-style New Year, Sunday during mochitsuki at the Ed Kawamura home.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Shannon Garfein of Colorado is thrilled to be able and try on the head lei “created by a professional,” Elvrine Chow, during the Kauai Community Market, Saturday where Shannon’s family was enjoying fresh lilikoi at not-$5 each prices.

Dennis Fujimoto/The Garden Island

Eric Wong, Masa Tsunekawa (he’s from Japan!), and Kyle Sadamitsu take their turn pounding out mochi using kine, or wooden mallets, and usu, the stone mortar, during mochitsuki at Ed Kawamura’s home, Sunday.

Happy birthday, Abby Santos of No Ka Oi Landscape Services who gets to celebrate her special day cruising The Shops at Kukuiula (Stacie Chiba-Miguel was looking for parking while getting kadomatsu, or New Year’s good fortune decorations, for the shopping center’s tenants!) on Monday which also coincides with Rizal Day (kudos to Angel Acorda for pulling together this year’s observance).