Animals are suffering and no one is doing anything
Animals are suffering and no one is doing anything
I am very concerned about the health of some livestock that live near me. Every day I pass these three cows and my heart breaks for them. They are literally skin and bones. No grass to eat. I’ve never seen anything like this in my life.
The humane society said they don’t have the authority to do anything about it, and told me to make a police report. Well, they won’t do anything about it, either.
Some way or some how we need to bring awareness to everyone. It is not fair, and I’m hoping you could help me. This would be a great topic to write about in our newspaper, and hopefully the owners will realize that they are committing animal cruelty and abuse to these poor cows. Please, please help.
Tabitha Booth, Kapaa
Protect workers, raise minimum wage
Tuesday, The Garden Island published yet another anti-minimum-wage column. This one came from a business-funded think tank that has a simple solution for all problems: no government regulation. Yep, just let business do whatever makes a profit and don’t worry about the people today or the environment tomorrow.
Here’s an alternative suggestion: make America great again by protecting the poorest workers like we did 50 years ago. Back then, adjusted for inflation, minimum-wage workers earned significantly more than minimum-wage workers earn today.
Will a few workers lose their jobs if the minimum wage goes up? Perhaps. But given Hawaii’s current low unemployment rate, those who lose their jobs will soon find new ones. And those new jobs will pay a fairer wage. Then they and those who didn’t lose their jobs will all make a big step forward on the road out of poverty.
Dan Freund, Kapaa