Mixed results in sonar study

Annie M. Gorgone, Cascadia Research Collective / Special to The Garden Island file

The Main Hawaiian Islands’ group of false killer whales made a rare trip to Kauai and Niihau in the middle of November 2016, and they spent an unprecedented 11 days here.

Jessica Else / The Garden Island file

Cascadia Research Collective’s Robin Baird drives the boat as they cruise Kauai waters in August 2018 while Brittany Guenther takes notes on species encounters.

Jessica Else / The Garden Island file

Julie Gardner, volunteer for Cascadia Research Collective who works at Seasport Divers, monitors melon-headed whales with a GoPro from the Cascadia Research Collective boat in August 2018.

MAJORS BAY — Scientists studying sonar’s effect on marine mammals near the U.S. Navy’s Pacific Missile Range Facility at Barking Sands have released another report in an ongoing study for the Navy’s U.S. Pacific Fleet, and it’s showing the same kind of mixed results they’ve been documenting since 2011.