You can only imagine

Bill Buley / The Garden Island

A free dinner is served at at King’s Chapel Harvest Banquet on Sunday in Hanamaulu.

Bill Buley / The Garden Island

Iraina Martin prays at the King’s Chapel Kauai Harvest Banquet on Sunday in Hanamaulu.

Bill Buley / The Garden Island

Randall Palau is all smiles as he receives dinner at the King’s Chapel Kauai Harvest Banquet on Sunday in Hanamaulu.

Bill Buley / The Garden Island

Iraina Martin, center, and Carla Hart join the worship at the King’s Chapel Kauai Harvest Banquet on Sunday in Hanamaulu.

Bill Buley / The Garden Island

Carla Hart raises her hands during worship at the King’s Chapel Harvest Banquet on Sunday in Hanamaulu.

For Carol Hart, with her children grown and gone, the holidays can be a lonely time.