To concerned islanders
It appears to me that little action is being taken to control, in any fashion, the ring-necked parakeet situation which confronts us year after year.
Last week a “native” owl visited the neighborhood, immediately displacing the roosting parakeets and, longer term, we benefit in that the pests have moved their nightly roosting to beyond hearing distance. We cannot introduce mainland owls to Kauai but static decoys have been effective in repelling unwanted birds from a vicinity.
Home and resort owners should see positive results if they mount owl decoys prominently in their trees as a passive preventive measure and farmers could employ active repellents such as air or propane cannons in fruit orchards and produce fields to reduce losses. This has proven extremely effective in agriculture improvement around the globe.
This is the 21st century; we should be able to employ a targeted biological sterilization program safely if private and government monies are assigned to expedite scientific research towards a solution.
Pooped-On in Poipu
Trevor Jackson, Koloa
Perfect! Now we can stop complaining about the cats. Too many birds!
We should all only complain about what Jake thinks is bad.