HONOLULU Honolulu prosecutors are asking the state attorney generals office to review the fatal shooting of an inmate by a guard.
HONOLULU — Honolulu prosecutors are asking the state attorney general’s office to review the fatal shooting of an inmate by a guard.
The state Department of Public Safety said at the time that Maurice Arrisgado was attempting to run from the Oahu Community Correctional Center in March when he was shot.
Honolulu police initially classified the shooting as an unattended death and then forwarded the case to prosecutors as second-degree murder.
Prosecutor spokesman Brooks Baehr said Wednesday that to avoid a conflict, the case was sent to the attorney general because Arrisgado’s father is an-ex prosecutor.
Eric Seitz, an attorney for Arrisgado’s family, says he was shot in the back. Seitz says instead of taking Arrisgado to a hospital, guards put him in a van and drove back to the jail.
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