LIHUE — Kauai Community College invites the public to celebrate Earth Day this week with events, speakers and activities.
Today, the Nature Conservancy of Hawaii‘s Executive Director, Ulalia Woodside, will present her agency’s work in preserving Hawaii’s fragile ecosystems.
Woodside’s presentation will start at 5:30 p.m. in the cafeteria in the Campus Center building.
Activities continue Wednesday with members of the KCC Hawaiian Club and Sustainability Club hosting a work party in the lo‘i and surrounding areas to clear out invasive species and replant with beneficial and or native plants to enhance the surrounding area. This activity will start about noon and conclude by 4 p.m.
Thursday’s activity will include a live radio discussion on climate change. The talk story session is the fourth and final “Kava Konvosation” of KCC EarthMonth celebration. The 4 to p.m. program is part of Kauai Community Radio’s outreach efforts and will be broadcast live on KKCR FM91.9.
Activities conclude on Friday and Saturday with some talk story and hands-on learning about traditional Hawaiian style building. Local cultural practitioner Peleke Flores will lead a discussion on the art and science of building traditional Hawaiian hale in the modern era.
The talk story session will start around mid-day on Friday at the Hawaiian Studies lo‘i. On the following day, as part of the monthly work party at Malama Hule’ia, participants will see firsthand how wood is stripped and worked with simple tools to be used in future KCC hale building projects.
The activity on Saturday starts at 8 a.m. and concludes by noon. Participants are encouraged to bring water, gloves and boots. A light lunch is served to volunteers. Visit for directions.
The final event EarthMonth 2019 is scheduled for Monday, April 29 at 6 p.m. A screening of the film, “Saving Ohia,” is being held in the Fine Arts Auditorium.
A question and answer session will take place with Kim Rogers from Kauai Invasive Species Committee immediately following the film.
All events are free and open to the public.