Eminent domain will do the trick
Eminent domain will do the trick
Kauai County could and should simply take some of Zuckerberg’s property by eminent domain for public beach access. A narrow strip for pedestrian and bicycle access should suffice.
Michael Wells, Moloaa
Tax Returns should be disclosed
House Bill 712, still alive in the Legislature would require candidates for president, vice-president, governor, lieutenant governor, and mayor to disclose their federal income tax returns in order to be listed on a general election ballot. It would prohibit electors from voting for president and vice-president who have not disclosed their tax returns.
This measure is intended to provide transparency and integrity in elections. Shouldn’t we have transparency and integrity in our U.S. senators and representatives? Shouldn’t we have transparency and integrity in our state senators and representatives?
If our state Legislature had true integrity, they would start with themselves. All political candidates are required to file financial disclosure statements identifying potential conflicts of interest in their deliberations. It’s a small step to disclose federal tax returns. If it’s good for the goose, it’s good for the gander.
While we’re at it, the U.S. presidency has three requirements, one of which is being a “natural born citizen.” We still haven’t seen the last president’s birth certificate, his proof as “natural born citizen.”
Michael Curtis, Koloa