Letters for Sunday, October 28, 2018
w Editor’s note: MaeLynn Rita teaches an American Problems class to seniors at Waimea High School. For several weeks, she had her students researching Kauai’s candidates for mayor, Mel Rapozo and Derek Kawakami. “It has been an exciting journey seeing the passion developing in these future voters of Kauai,” she wrote to TGI. “Our latest project is writing a letter to the editor sharing their concerns about what they have found and learned along this process. I want to share these letters with you and see if they can be printed before the election in November.” We are delighted to print excerpts from some of the letters. And we are confident our readers will agree, the students who wrote them worked hard, made clear points and expressed themselves well. It’s good to know these future voters have such a bright future. Thank you for sharing your work with TGI.
w Editor’s note: MaeLynn Rita teaches an American Problems class to seniors at Waimea High School. For several weeks, she had her students researching Kauai’s candidates for mayor, Mel Rapozo and Derek Kawakami. “It has been an exciting journey seeing the passion developing in these future voters of Kauai,” she wrote to TGI. “Our latest project is writing a letter to the editor sharing their concerns about what they have found and learned along this process. I want to share these letters with you and see if they can be printed before the election in November.” We are delighted to print excerpts from some of the letters. And we are confident our readers will agree, the students who wrote them worked hard, made clear points and expressed themselves well. It’s good to know these future voters have such a bright future. Thank you for sharing your work with TGI.
Mayor must make Kauai safe again
I hope things get better for the island of Kauai. The students of Waimea High School are concerned about tourists coming to our islands, buying and building on our land, and renting their ‘vacation homes.’ Kauai shouldn’t be like this. Because of all the outsiders buying our land it leaves locals with a option of being homeless.
Also, the homeless rate is the highest it’s ever been, and I think it would be a good thing to help them off the streets and get them into homes. Build a structure for them to live in, and provide food and water for the people and families that are in need. To the next Mayor of Kauai, help the communities strengthen, make Kauai safe again, lessen the drug addicts. Tomorrow’s future start with the steps of today. The people of Kauai shouldn’t base their voting off of being close family friends with one.
— Taira Abreu
Rapozo will do a better job
I am going to tell my family to vote for Mel Rapozo because he is going after affordable housing. And he is also going to fix our potholes in our roads and he has a plan to fix traffic on the island of Kauai. I honestly think that traffic on this island is not that bad compared to Oahu. The only part with lots of traffic on this island is Lihue. Also, Mel will create a new property tax system that is fair and predictable. He also wants to have clean and safe parks. And make our existing parks nicer and give it improvements.
Derek Kawakami, on the other hand, he doesn’t want to make housing cheaper. All he wants to do is work with landowners. And open up shovel-ready projects. What the shovel-ready projects will do is fast-track the construction. For traffic he wants to expand the Kauai bus system, make new roads, make more roundabouts, adjust county work hours so that it is not at the peak traffic hour.
In conclusion, I think that Mel Rapozo will do a better job as being mayor on the island of Kauai. Because his 2 top priorities as soon as he becomes mayor is make housing on Kauai cheaper and take care of the traffic problem.
— Izaia Nitta
Choose next mayor wisely
Election day is soon, the candidates that are running for mayor would be Derek Kawakami and Mel Rapozo but who will you vote for? Only we the people can vote for our new mayor, we really need to understand what the candidates are saying. One shouldn’t vote for them just as a result of knowing him or her, or because your family is voting for this person. You should vote for the person because of the changes that they may bring, or how it will affect the island of Kauai and as well as benefit from it.
Derek Kawakami a candidate running for mayor claims, “we have chronic traffic congestion on Kauai, and the problems are exacerbated by limited roadways, school and job commuting, and tourist activities.” Kawakami’s plan to help reduce the traffic was to accelerate the implementation of new roads, expand the country bus system, expand the deployment of roundabouts, re-evaluate adjusting country work hours so it doesn’t cause more traffic, and more. Kawakami also claims that “
On the other hand, Mel Rapozo another candidate that’s running for mayor also wants to make the same changes a Kawakami but has a different approach. For reducing traffic Rapozo plans to reduce the number of rental cars, new buses, user fees for visitors, develop flexible work hours, and increase lanes on major thoroughfares. As for the affordable housing problem, Rapozo plans to have rent control, enforcing existing laws on vacation rentals, and include affordable housing units along with units.
Both of these candidates want to bring the same change upon the island of Kauai. Whether it’s traffic or housing, they both have different approaches towards these problems, but who would be the better choice? Who would be the more exceptional mayor of Kauai? Only the people of Kauai can decide, so choose wisely.
— Anson Espino
Move forward together
Derek Kawakami, Kauai born and raised, served on the Hawaii State Legislature as well as the Kauai county council. He is a member of numerous community organizations and has much experience serving the people of Kauai. One of Kawakami’s priorities is to implement possible solutions to the traffic problems on Kauai. He plans to do this by implementing solutions in various areas such as roadways, as well as housing. In order to mitigate traffic, he not only proposes to increase the size and techniques of roadways, but also reschedule county works hours in order to alleviate some traffic. Kawakami also plans to increase high-density housing in high concentration areas to reduce congestion and commute distance. “More than 60% of our jobs are in Lihue, yet less than 25% of our housing stock is in Lihue.” With higher density housing options not only will there be commute reduction, but also greater affordably with smaller units.
Kauai has been a top tourist destination for many years, many locals depend on this industry to support their families. Traffic is just one byproduct of this business. But, with the various solutions that Kawakami proposes a median can be reached with better infrastructure that includes roads and civil panning techniques. This will not only our improve our economy with greater business, but also open greater opportunities to the residents of Kauai. “Honoring the past, building our future,” as we move forward to better Kauai.
— Cade Tanaka
Meet Derek and Mel
Meet Derek Kawakami “My approach to leadership is honoring our past while building our future. If we can maintain this focus, we’ll be able to move forward in a respectful, responsible and productive manner. I humbly ask for your vote for Kauai County Mayor. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continued support.”
Kawakami’s plan for Kauai and Niihau is based on trafficking housing local economy energy and environment, agriculture and quality of life.
Some accomplishment in public safety Kawakami has participated in accomplishing is creating safe routes to school which imposes a $10 surcharge and establishes safe routes to school special fund. Created the safe routes to School program under the department of transportation establishes a protocol to fund County Safe Routes to School programs.
Now meet Mel Rapozo a former police officer to the residents of Kauai. His vision to have a county government that is honest, transparent and responsive to its citizens.
The mission he states is to create a Kauai that allows our residents to build a future for themselves without having to leave their families to seek opportunities elsewhere. We will achieve this by redefining our priorities and creating a government that is efficient and accountable, always putting our people first.
His plan is focused on effective, efficient and open government, affordable housing, economy, Agriculture, Roads and Traffic, Taxes, Parks, and Water and solid waste.
— Brieann Lewis
Do you really know who you’re voting for?
When the voting season comes around, there’s not a chance you won’t see a banner of someone running for a spot in the County Council, or sign-waving campaigns for enthusiastic politicians. Most people surprisingly don’t put much thought into voting, or, they’re voting for the wrong reasons. I know some adults that only vote for someone solemnly because it is their cousin/sibling/relative. Some even assume that the politicians with the most signs off the highway are the best choice, without any prior research about what the politician’s priorities are and what they want for our island. Making these hasty choices can put a politician that doesn’t value your well being in office; giving them the power to make decisions that you do not agree with. We, the people of Kauai must start making our choices seriously; we have seen how giving power to the wrong person affects our island.
However, we have the power to avoid uneducated and misinformed voting. In this age, technology has evolved and we now can find resources and information on a topic we desire. In this case, there are websites specifically made to state politicians’ promises if they win. Here are some links to inform you about Kauai’s candidates for mayor.
It is my hope that anyone who votes will take the time to be informed before making a selection because the future of our home is in everyone’s hands.
— Gheymee Perreira
Mayor needed who will help everyone
I’m here to inform the people of Kauai on the many issues that nobody can do anything about. Living on Kauai is like living in a high expense place but where does our money really go. As we prepare with this upcoming election on the new mayor of Kauai we need to choose wisely on the right one that’ll improve the island in many ways. With the election being a month away Kauai needs a mayor that will not pity just one side of the island or favor another but we need one that’ll help everyone for the better.
This island is too small and with more people visiting it takes the “paradise” away from the locals. I think that if the tourist wanna visit Kauai they should get only certain rules since they act like everything is cheap for them. By coming to the islands they think they practically own everything and wanna buy everyone else out, without realizing that this island is slowly becoming something else. The damage that people do to Kauai like graffiti not picking up after themselves only makes Kauai look bad and with that it makes the mayor look bad because they are not able to control the people. So when voting starts please be sure and really think about the issue that’s going on today and which mayor would fit best for the next four years and hopefully follow the plan that they also want. What is paradise if a home isn’t home, help save our island.
— Jahnaya Oyamot-Campos
Step up, solve problems
The future of Kauai is at stake and we need a good mayor. Who’s going to support Kauai to make a difference? How about affordable housing? Is it really affordable for locals and tourist? The reason why we have so many homeless is because of affordable housing. Most houses are cost close to a million dollars or more. Some locals can’t maintain the bills and a house.
Mel Rapozo is trying to make affordable housing so that can solve issue of high cost. With social service for the homeless can be tough for the policies of disturbing the neighborhood but homeless still need support. Mel Rapozo has come up with a new plan to collect taxes that will be fair to all. His plan is to make a better park to let the public have a fantastic time with each other.
So I look on the web that Derek Kawakami wants to fix traffic by putting more routes for bus traveling and make more new roads. We are still going to be in traffic because of construction workers, then after, even more worse traffic because of other lanes. Derek says he plans to build a better future with safe sidewalks and allow the homeless to stay in homes of their own. Derek wants to ban the use of electronic devices while driving. How is Derek going to ban electronic devices? If drivers call or putting phone on speaker to hide their phone from the police. People still going to go on their electronics.
We want our community to feel like Kauai is a beautiful place to live. A mayor is going to step up and make some changes to make people happy. We don’t need more problems. We need a solution to solve some issues around Kauai.
— Reggie A.
Many problems to solve
My concern is how will our new major plans to help solve our community and island problems.
My first and most personal concern is creating and sustaining affordable rentals and housing. Look at the prices of rentals on Kauai, it is beyond what an average local working family can afford. At the prices that are being asked and expect our families to “buy” a home, it is impossible because all of their paychecks are going to just have a roof over their heads and food on the table. We need to look at the plans that each of these candidates has and be sure that they are looking out for the local families throughout Kauai not only in certain parts of the island.
Tourism, we have to stop the overuse of our environment and resources. Today many of our beaches and parks are being overused and destroyed. From not being able to find parking to being unable to drive to an area that many local families used to enjoy. Our county departments are not keeping up or doing a good job in keeping these areas clean or updated. We need to limit areas to a certain amount of visitors or make it that those who do go to our beaches and park must pay a fee.
Take the time, just even 10 or 15 minutes of your day and go to each candidates website and see what each has to say about how they will work to make Kauai great again.
— Dylan Silva-Chong
Family shouldn’t influence your vote
I’m currently seventeen years old living on the West side of Kauai and attending Waimea High School. I am concerned about the future of Kauai, and the issues that are increasing today. Some issues that we have on Kauai are non-affordable housing, the traffic getting worse in both Kapaa and Lihue due to rush hour, unsafe environments that include drugs and alcohol, and the cost of living, etc. For me, personally, I would like to see these problems be solved and our future to be better for our families. Derek Kawakami and Mel Rapozo are both running for mayor, and we are relying on one of these two to help improve our future and fix these issues for us and the future Kauai residents.
People of Kauai should not vote just because you know them, they’re family friends, and because they are family. Voters should read up on the mayors and make sure they know what solutions these candidates have and what the mayors have in store for our futures.
— Terri Pimental
Candidates have differences, similarities
Our teacher quoted the former President George Washington’s Farewell speech to the nation, he said “however political parties may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterward the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.” As you know, the election for the upcoming mayor of the County of Kauai is just around the corner. Residents of Kauai should be more informed on the subject on Kauai’s new mayor instead of voting for a competitor who’s a classmate, a relative or a friend. Mel Rapozo and Derek Kawakami are the final candidates competing for the position of mayor.
As you can see, both candidates have similarities and differences on their platforms, but it’s up to the voters to do more research and choose who they think will have a significantly positive and beneficial impact on Kauai.
If we want to see a change in our county, we must vote for the candidate who helps the county and its people. Please inform your friends, family, and anyone who is able to vote, to take time and read the candidates’ platforms and then make a choice on the next mayor. Vote wisely.
— Kaui DeCosta-Jaramillo and Veronica Fernandez
Mel cares for the whole island
If you didn’t already know the two candidates for mayor of Kauai is Derek Kawakami and Mel Rapozo. Many people are favoring Kawakami because he is more popular and many people don’t like Mel Rapozo because of the things he has done in the past, but that is not how you should determine who the next mayor should be. I recommend everyone to spend 5 minutes of your time to go to each candidate’s website and look at what they have to say about what they will do as mayor. After reading what both candidates have to say then you will have a better clue on who to vote for.
After doing some research myself I found out that both candidates have the same changes that they want to make but have a different approach to those changes. Both candidates want to improve the traffic on the island and also make housing affordable. But the better candidate in my opinion is Mel Rapozo because in my research I have found out that Mel wants to do anything for the entire island and in the other hand it looks like Kawakami only wants changes in the North and East part of the island which means he doesn’t really care about the other sides of the island. This is why you should learn more about each candidate before you vote because even if you don’t like one of the candidates they might have a better vision than the other one.
The people of Kauai needs to vote for the right mayor that will help everyone in the island with no one left behind. People need to do more research because election day is very near and we need to choose wisely. I hope writing this letter helps to persuade people into voting fairly and wisely. Now it is up to you people of Kauai to vote for the next mayor of Kauai and if we don’t vote right then we will be stuck with the mayor for years so make sure to make the right decision.
— Nick Esposo